Tuesday 1 January 2013

Ho Ho Ho and Wring out 2012

The Christmas season is a magical time for toddlers.

Stewart's Garden Centre in Christchurch.  Winter wonderland.  Chloe loved it, so did I.

After a lovely afternoon with Chloe we went to visit Emmie and had a delicious meal with Alun and Gemma.
A fabulous start to the festivities.  It was so exciting to spend the night and wake up with Emmie and the wonder of Christmas.
We then spent Christmas Eve at Caroline and Mike's with another delicious meal but again the best part was waking up in the morning to Chloe opening her presents.
As well as a stocking Father Christmas managed to get a dolls house down the chimney.

Last year Chloe was only one month old and obviously would not remember Christmas so it was a whole new experience for her.

We then left Chloe to her presents and a visit to Nanny and Grandad.  We travelled over to Southampton through some very wet roads to spend Christmas day with Stuart (my brother) and Tina.  So lucky to be invited because Tina is one of the best cooks in the world!

She is also very good at interior design.  Her beautiful mantlepiece.

and table

The food was absolutely delicious.  How does she do it and she worked until 5pm on Christmas Eve!

Remember, a onesie is just for Christmas, not for life.  Don't get too attached Stuart.

Boxing Day - It was our turn to host the day. Presents wrapped, table set and food cooking.  Time for a glass of bubbles before the family arrive.

Emmie and Chloe enjoyed the gift of time more than just about anything.  They loved spending time with family members doing simple activities.  Chloe also took a few tentative steps.  The proud parents.

A magical time for toddlers
Mummy do you like my hat?
Perhaps I can turn it into a Carmen Miranda hat with these fruits?
That looks lovely Emmie.
Afternoon tea anyone?
Their "presence" was our "present".
It's Daddy's plane.
Story time - The Empty Stocking.
They had obviously been very very good because the stockings were anything but empty.
Gemma enjoying a Don Pedro - Yum Yum
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family.
Whilst we were in Milford-on-Sea the wind blew and the rain lashed.
This is a picture of a field flooded just up the road from us.  It is actually a footpath to the beach.
After the weather extremes of 2012 many of us are hoping for a return to more predictable conditions in 2013.
January 2013 started with drought.
March was the warmest since 1957.
The jet stream, positioned further south than usual, drove in Atlantic depressions and frequent bouts of rain.
April was colder than average and the wettest on record, with up to three times the average rain falling across Southern England.
This proved a harbinger the summer, the wettest in 100 years.  Crowds at the pageant marking the Queen's diamond jubilee braved wind and rain.
As we greeted the lifting of the hosepipe restrictions, the rain continued to fall right up to the run-up to Christmas.

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