Sunday 20 January 2013

A snowy chill

Last Sunday it was 29 C in South Africa.  This Sunday it is 29 F in the U.K.

A snowy chill has arrived across the U.K., with all the fun and chaos which that entails.
Alun, Gemma and our darling Emmeline stranded in Geneva after their ski-ing holiday.  Yes even Geneva airport closed.

This weather can apparently be traced back to strange goings-on, miles above us in the atmosphere many days ago, called Sudden Stratospheric Warming (too complicated to explain, suggest you google it).  Although Phil's Dad always said "Winter starts on your Mother's birthday - 20th January".  So much of what he used to say is still so true.  We miss you both.

With the weather in the British Isles taking a nippy turn, we thought it was worth reminding everyone just how beautiful the U.K. can be when snow starts to fall.

Enjoy these frosty images, and wrap up warm.

As Douglas commented why does our patio look like a waffle?

Be safe this winter.  When Phil went out this morning to buy the newspaper he also bought these ice and snow grippers that you simply stretch and fit on your shoes.  They are great, now I am sure footed in treacherous weather conditions, will keep them in my bag or car.

Chloe suggests you always wear a hat when it snows.
Greatnanna would be proud!

Walk fast in snow,
In frost walk slow;
And still as you go,
Tread on your toe.

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