Friday 8 May 2020

VE Day

However, you're spending today, I wish you a peaceful and loving one, remembering our parents and grandparents.  Some may not be allowed to spend time with them today.

Grandad William Rees - REME

                                                     Grandma Jeanne Rees - ATS

                                                        Grandad James Hilton - Lancashire Fusillier

                                                    Nanna Ethel Hilton - she sewed Parachutes during the war effort.                                     
They are the generation who sacrificed so much to bring us peace.  Huge respect to them all - particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice and didn't get to celebrate VE Day 75 years ago.

For so many reasons, this is a day to count our blessings.

This was a "VE" Day Dinner Grandad Rees enjoyed.
The Churchill Cocktail - Cheers

Chloe baked and decorated this cake.

Stay safe, everybody.

Enjoy your celebrations.

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