Monday 4 May 2020

Nine already!

Darling Emmie, you are nine! I know, I can't believe it either, but your birth certificate doesn't lie even if I haven't aged a day past 40!

It feels like every time I see you, you grow!  And because of lockdown it's been weeks since we cuddled.  So if I try to keep you small for a little longer, it's not because I don't want you to grow up, I am just scared of you growing up too quickly without me spending precious time with you. But I am so very proud of the person you are growing into.
I've always loved being your Nanna and helping you to learn new things.  Some of my favourite memories are of teaching you to eat - trying to aim for the mouth instead of the neck or the nose or me.  And I loved helping you to get dressed when both legs ended in one trouser leg and you thought looking like a mermaid was hysterical.  I've helped teach you, with your Mummy and Daddy, how to tie your shoes and how to bake a cake.

May you keep your belief that you can change the world.  At eight years old you had already told restaurants to stop polluting the oceans with plastic and to save the rainforest when they kindly gave you a child's bag to play with.  You have not been deterred because you believe that you can make all the difference.  And you can.

Nine is half way to being an adult.  In this next half, there are going to be a lot of distractions.  Girlfriends, boyfriends (ack!), mobile devices, social media and hormones.

It is going to be tough to offer advice - and sometimes you are not going to listen - especially to Mummy and Daddy - but we will never stop trying.

Birthday parties are special.  Not only do they mark the passing of another fabulous trip around the sun, but they are also one of the best ways to gather your friends and family for all the festive desserts and whimsical décor your heart desires.  Obviously, this year is different.  Amid our new normal of social distancing, get-togethers both small and large have been called off, leaving many spring babies - including your Daddy and also Grandad in a couple of weeks - to celebrate at home.  And when this pandemic ends - and it WILL end - Mummy will have every excuse to throw the biggest birthday party of all time.

Happy Birthday Darling,  Can't wait to give you nine big hugs after this lockdown finishes.  I Love You.

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