Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Little Lost Chick by Chloe and Nanna

An egg sat on the slippery ice, as cold as cold could be.  It perched alone, a tiny shape, down by the icy sea.  Then suddenly, the eggshell broke!  Out came a tiny beak.  A penguin chick sat on the ice and gave a little squeak.

(The penguin with no name, on an iceberg with a dolphin).

Then the penguin waddled down to the icy water and looked down.  All he could see was a dolphin and of course the sea.  Then the dolphin opened it's mouth and spoke.  It said "My name is Daisy the dolphin!  What's your name?"  Then the penguin replied "Well I don't really know my name!"

Penguin shook his body, looked around and flapped his wings, too.  Feeling all alone, he whispered, "Are you my Mummy?"

Then Daisy the Dolphin said back "Well I'm not your mum but I can help you find her!"  "Well thank you!" replied the penguin happily.  So Daisy jumped out of the water, put her secret land mode on and walked on the ice with the penguin.

A passing seagull saw little penguin and Daisy and swooped down very low.  "That baby looks lost," he thought, "I'll stop to say hello."

"Little Chick" said the gull, "It's too cold to be outside.  You can shelter under my wing."

Thank you said the little penguin.  He then said goodbye to Daisy the Dolphin.  "This is a nice, warm place."  "I can't find my mummy!  Do you know where she could be?"

Let's fly into the air.   We'll be able to see lots of things from all the way up there."

"This is fun," said Little Penguin.  "Look! There are some silly seals, playing down below."

The seals got so excited, they clapped and yelled, "Hello! Would you like to play with us?"

Little Penguin had such a great time, slipping and sliding.  "But then he said "Thank you both for asking me to play, but I still need to find my mummy."

Suddenly, a spurt of water sprayed out of the sea.  A giant whale popped up and said,  "You can ride along with me."

So, Little Penguin, held on to Whale, as the waves below went crash!  Then one big wave came along and he fell in with a splash!

"Glug, glug, glug," he went, floating past shiny fish.  Following them he flicked his tail and moved his wings with a swish.

Swimming faster and faster and flapping more and more soon Little Penguin shot right out of the water and back onto the shore.

Looking like a soggy ball of fluff, his fur went drip, drip, drip.  Daisy the Dolphin, Whale, the seals and the gull laughed.

Suddenly, Little Chick cried,  "Look!" pointing with one of his wings.  "I see a crowd of purple and white, waddling, cheeping things!"

He tripped and slipped and skidded, but he didn't seem to care.  Running through the ice and snow, soon he was almost there.

So, at long last Little Penguin had found his family.  A great big storm had come one day and his egg had rolled away.

Best of all he had found his Mummy and had a big, warm Cuddle!

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