Tuesday 24 March 2020

Stay at Home

The past month has been like no other in social or economic history.  Pubs, bars, cafes, schools have shut down, those who can are working from home, building projects are mothballed and social distancing makes life almost impossible for many businesses to function.  Holidays have been cancelled.  Government measures threaten to become more draconian and a return to normality could be many months away.

I can't visit the grandchildren either.  So to keep in touch we have decided to write a story together.
I wrote the intro paragraph for the girls and grandad for Jamie and sent it to them by e'mail.  They then reply with the next instalment and so it goes back and forth each day.  The children are also adding the artwork.  I am going to keep updating it on my blog.  Hopefully, it will be a lovely keepsake and will help them with a variety of academic skills - creative writing, art, language/grammar - and best of all, it will be FUN.

Keep safe.

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