Tuesday 18 June 2019

Trip to London to see TINA

We had three hours to kill in London after being dropped off by coach outside the Aldwych Theatre so we decided to visit Somerset House, just down the road.

It's massive.

I have been meaning to visit this very special royal gem for a long time.  Once again as with many of these historically significant buildings, history oozes from every pore!  The house itself is massive, and mostly free.

This amazing place was built in 1547 and has experienced a chequered history but it remained standing in spite of the great fire of London.

Somerset house is a lovely area to walk around outside and experience some peace and quiet in such a bustling city. The statue is King George III by John Bacon, erected in 1789.  It shows the King as a roman senator, dressed in a toga, supporting himself on a tiller, with a lion and an antique prow at his feet.  Beneath him sits Old Father Thames clasping a cornucopia.
Inside we looked at Nelson Stairs.  These stairs were used frequently by the Nelson brothers to reach the Navy Offices upstairs.  In 1940 it suffered severe bomb damage and was restored according to the original designs.

The building is beautiful, the inner courtyard is lovely and the setting by the embankment fantastic.
There are free guided tours on Tuesdays at 12.45 and 14.15 but unfortunately we were too late.
No longer the home of births, deaths, marriages and wills.
 We enjoyed a pre-dinner drink on the River Terrace.

Then it was time for our pre-theatre dinner at Palm Court Brasserie in Covent Garden.
It is an excellent place - delicious food, good value for money, friendly service, very French atmosphere and perfect location.  Booking recommended though, it gets very busy.  Then after dinner just time to stroll through Covent Garden to the Theatre.
Finally, it was time for THE SHOW - TINA - The Tina Turner Musical.
Simply the best.  An excellent show that explains the life story of Tina Turner.  The cast are brilliant, especially the girl that represents Tina.  The story was harrowing at times but reflected Tina's life story worst and all.  The music was wonderful and we left with a buzz.

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