Wednesday 12 September 2018

Growing up!

Jamie has started school and I realise I am saying goodbye to a whole era of my life and perhaps the most precious too.  With the last of my grandchildren at school, this phase of life is now behind me.  Of course, they'll still have plenty of time at home and won't grow old overnight, but school represents a different life stage, a first step towards independence.  Not only is it demanding of our grandchildren's time but it influences and shapes them too.

Some grandparents call it a "Champagne and tissues" moment but they'd have to be man-sized tissues and even the best Moet would no doubt taste flat.  Its just that when a grandchild starts school the time you are able to spend with them decreases.  During the pre-school years Caroline and Gemma often needed extra childcare and we were so happy to step in and help.  It was the perfect time to develop a bond and find activities that we enjoyed doing together.  But when they start school their weekdays are suddenly very full.

I will now look forward to inset days and holidays and have to accept they will have lots more activities and friends they will be busy with.  But at least WhatsApp lets us see what they're up to.

Enjoy school Jamie, I know you will love it and big sister will look after you.

Glad to hear both Emmie and Chloe are still eager to return to school after the long holidays.

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