Saturday 27 May 2017

Grandad's 65th birthday

Wow, you're 65!

or 780 months,
     3,391 weeks
     23,741 days
     569,784 hours
     34,187,040 minutes and
     2,051,222,400 seconds.

Don't worry though......

65 is only 18 in Celsius
and 25 in Scrabble (S   I   X   T   Y   F   I   V   E
                                    1   1   8    1   4   4    1   4    1)

On Phil's actual birthday we celebrated with a lovely walk from Milford on Sea to Keyhaven.

Followed by a delicious meal at La Pearle.
Charred Hampshire Beef Salad, Pickled Vegetable Noodles, Ginger Dressing
Middlewhite Pork Cutlet, Mustard Crushed Potatoes, Carrots, Spring Vegetables, Gravy, Apple Sauce.
Vanilla, Lime & Rum Panna Cotta, Poached New Forest Strawberries, Chocolate Crumble.

Delicious.  So glad we had the walk first. Spent the rest of the day relaxing and digesting.

And then on Sunday the family gathered together to celebrate.

So lucky, such a gorgeous sunny day for the birthday celebrations.

After bubbles and another delicious meal at the Beach House..........

and a bit of tree climbing with obliging low flat branches for the children.

We're goin' on a bear hunt, (We're goin' on a bear hunt)
We're going to catch a big one, (We're going to catch a big one)
I'm not scared (I'm not scared)
What a beautiful day!  (What a beautiful day).

Then it was on to the beach.  Dresses tucked in knickers and into the sea for a paddle.

What a happy day.

And later in the week on Wednesday afternoon, whilst Phil was sailing just off Highcliffe, a dolphin swam alongside to wish him Happy Birthday.

And then we met up with Douglas and Sofia at their stunning home in Chicester Marina for a lovely meal at The Boat House.  Thanks Doug and Sofia.

Happy Birthday Grandad.

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