Monday 1 May 2017

Awesome Moana birthday party

What a wonderful birthday party Emmie had at RockReef  Bournemouth yesterday.

Such a fab place for the children to burn off some energy.

The children climbed a variety of walls and the competitive nature certainly came out.

It looks surprisingly hard work and it was great to watch their confidence grow as the time passed.

Great healthy fun and adventure with lots of exciting climbing challenges.

They also loved THE CAVE!!

Emmie and her friends had a fantastic time.  The experience was both fun and challenging.  Some of the children had never done anything like it before and they loved it.

And the view from the restaurant next door where they had pizza and ice cream is AMAZING, even on a rainy day such as yesterday.

And Emmie was heard to say after blowing out the candles on her stunning Moana birthday cake (made by Gemma, of course).

"The best birthday party I've ever had!".

Thank you Te Ka for an excellent party.  Shame we couldn't continue the fun and games at the Moana Beach Hut but sadly the rain stopped play so it was all back to Emmie's home where even the weather couldn't put a dampener on things as shenanigans ensued, libations were consumed and a good time was had by all.

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