Monday 7 September 2015

The Very First Day of School

Grab the tissues - it's time for the big day.

Emmie sporting a slightly too big but pristine uniform on her first day of school.

and Chloe, who is getting ready for the big time learning by starting pre-school today - where she will leaarn by playing and exploring, taking part in sing-alongs, storytime, hands-on art projects and spread her wings in a group setting.

Because Emmie has already been to pre-school she already knows the ropes of how to get through a day at school and will know most of the children in her class.  I hope they become good friends, show
her (and she shows them) how to do things when she's confused, invite her to sit with them at lunch and play with her at playtime.  I hope Emmie and  Chloe will meet some wonderful children and have lots of fun with them as they grow up together.

Emmie has told me she has already met her teacher and likes her and I am sure she will teach her many interesting things.  I hope you love to read, because reading can take you to any place and any time - even places and times that don't exist.  I hope you love science and maths and discovering things about the world, because the world is so very, very interesting.

Starting school is a huge milestone for children and parents alike.  A child's first day at school can be crammed with emotions and it's just as likely to be the parents in tears at the classroom door as well as the children.

So send them in confidently, smiling, wishing them well then you can go and weep round the corner.  I did!!!!!  Photos of "my little ones". ........

And now I am a grandparent and I am looking forward to enjoying all the new experiences having a school-aged granddaughter will bring - the reading books she will bring home, the Christmas play, Sports Day etc., etc.

Emmie is ready to go.  She needs the progression and the social interaction.  She needs to find out about things without Mummy and Daddy and Helicopter Nanna (hovering) looking over her shoulder all the time and Gemma and Alun can start planning what they are going to do with their free time.

Enjoy yourselves.  She'll be back by 3.30 p.m.

You'll be fine. X

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