Sunday 26 July 2015


Stuart has just celebrated what they now say is the new forty, so life, it seems, is beginning yet again!!!!!

To kick off the weekend Phil and I treated Stuart to an "on the water" day, with hands on sailing experience, before watching Land Rover BAR kick off the campaign to bring the "Auld Mug" back to the Solent, where the original America's Cup was first staged in 1851.

Stuart, joined by Skipper Phil and crew, Alun, Mike, Bill, Paul and Pete cheered on Sir Ben Ainslie in the opening event of the 35th America's Cup in Portsmouth.

In Saturday's race the "BATMAN" boat battled from the back of the fleet to cross the line in first place in race one.

A tactical error in race 2 saw the Brits slip from 1st to 5th in the six-boat fleet but once again the four time Olympic champion navigated a path through the traffic to take second behind Emirates Team New Zealand.

"Super Sunday" races were cancelled  because of the wild weather!!  Lucky Stuart in the sunshine on Saturday and he had other plans for Sunday.......

And for Stuart's Sunday...Well a 60th birthday party is a big event in anyone's life, so Tina decided to throw a surprise party to celebrate.  A chance to eat, drink and laugh with family and friends.  Tina did a marvellous job.

Obviously, Stuart being Stuart, discovered that a party was being planned (that's computers for you) but it was still a wonderful surprise.  Tina  chose, as the venue for a delicious Sunday lunch, the Hotel Terravina.


An enchanting hotel set in the New Forest, an old manor house with high ceilings, yet modern décor.
The greeting, on arrival, from the staff was warm and friendly and from the moment we arrived Tina was able to take off her organiser's hat and put her party one on.

There were even speeches from Phil and Chris....

with a reply from Stuart followed by a presentation of gifts from the younger  members of the party...

Of course one has to receive a walking stick on one's 60th birthday!!!

It was a wet day so we didn't sit outside in the beautiful grounds for a drink, which was a shame, but the weather didn't dampen the lovely atmosphere  which was so relaxing, even with all the young children, who thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Even a Pass the Parcel Game had been organised for the children...

The service during the meal was excellent and I can't begin to guess your wine bill Tina???

                                                                       Very generous.


The day was a huge success and continued into the evening Stuart and Tina's beautiful home with yet more delicious food and excellent wines.

So please raise your glasses to celebrate Stuart's 60th birthday.


  1. Thanks Sheila that's really good. Glad you all enjoyed it. X

  2. Thanks Sheila that's really good. Glad you all enjoyed it. X
