Wednesday 10 June 2015


What a fabulous free outing for the children at the Dinosaur exhibition at the Red House Museum in Christchurch (runs to 27th June, 2015).  The grandchildren were totally immersed in the Jurrasic age.  The dinosaur trail was set in the beautiful gardens and they loved searching them out amongst the bushes.

This is Alunsaurus or to give it it's correct name ALLOSAURUS (AL-oh-saw-russ) which means "Other Lizard".  Carnivore.  Length: 12m.  Late Jurassic (156-144 million years ago).  Found Portugal and USA They hunted in packs and would make a meal of a Stegosaur.

Oh no.  It's got Dolly!!!!

What a gem the Red House Museum is.  Worth seeking out and very friendly volunteers.

Update:  My granddaughter visited the Red House Museum again yesterday, 7th Julywith her Mummy and there are still three dinosaurs in the garden.  In addition she enjoyed playing with the old fashioned toys and dressed up in the old fashioned clothes.

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