Tuesday 24 September 2013

Turunc Gulet - Il Marinaio

We booked a Gulet trip with Capt Cetin on the Il Marinaio at the J & M travel agency on Main Street in Turunc.  It was a wonderful day stopping at beautiful peaceful bays.  Friendly crew and an excellent lunch.  Highly recommended at £35 per person plus drinks.  We booked in advance by e'mail
www.jmturkey.com and www.turuncgulet.com.

With just 12 people on board it promised to be a great relaxing day out in hot September weather.

For sun-lovers there were comfortable cushions at the front and back but also plenty of cover for shade bugs.  We headed south out of Turunc past Amos and Kumlubuk and, after about 45 minutes, made our first stop at beautiful Kunduz bay.  Down goes the anchor, out comes the ladder and into the clear and incredibly warm sea we go.  This was to become the pattern for the day - sail for a bit, spot a nice quiet bay or cove, pull in and enjoy the sea.
                                                  Phil about to go snorkelling

                                                  Shoal of fish at first stop seen whilst snorkelling

Our Gulet and Kunduz Bay

We sailed on past Ciftlik and dropped anchor in another remote bay, Akyar, where we had lunch.

More swimming with noodles on board for our use.

Lunch is almost ready

Time for a beer before lunch

Phil by the side of the BBQ where Capt. Cetin cooked lunch

Lunch was just fantastic and huge.  Grilled chicken and prawns barbequed at the front of the boat.  Fresh bread and pasta, typical Turkish mezes and salad.
More swimming followed.

Our last stop was Kadirga and most of us can't resist a last swim.  As a final surprise, slices of water melon and grapes are served.

Il Marinaio

The final bay Kadirga

Finally, we arrived back at Turunc harbour at about 5 p.m. - tired, wind and sun-burned with some fantastic memories.

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