Tuesday 19 March 2013

Phil's Baileys Brulee

Gemma has lost this recipe so I thought I would blog it so we can always find it - no matter where we are in the world....

"This is a luxurious twist on an indulgent pudding, which makes it even more delicious".

Serves 6 - 8

185g egg yolks (9 or 10)
100ml Baileys
180 ml milk
400 ml cream
95g sugar
50g caster sugar, to glaze.

Heat the oven to 90C/Gas Mark 1.  Mix all the ingredients together with a whisk.  Allow the bubbles to settle, then pour into ramekins or brulee moulds.  Place on a tray and transfer to the oven.  Bake for 30 - 40 minutes until set around the outside of the mould, but soft and wobbly in the centre.  Remove from the oven and cool on the tray.  When cool, sprinkle with sugar, glaze with a blowtorch (Phil uses his big one) and serve.


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