Sunday 20 May 2012

Milestone birthdays call for celebrations

Sylvia's 70th birthday celebrations on 18th March, 2012
A lovely Chinese meal at Chef Peking

Then on 7th April it was Tricia's 80th birthday at Milton's Restaurant in Wokingham.  A converted old barn.

Happy Birthday Tricia

Sadly Tricia died on 21st October, 2012.

More bubbles on 15th April when Doug celebrated his 40th birthday at a 14th century Oxfordshire Barn.

Lovely cake in the shape of Formula One or is it Formula 40!
The family came too
Lots of bubbles

An excellent day.

Phil then celebrated his 60th birthday with a bbq party on the Saturday, 19th May.
The tiramirsu cake.

The family in the garden.  So lucky with the weather.

Phil actually had to go to work on his birthday 20th May but the granddaughters made sure he was up early to celebrate before he left.

Many happy returns Grandad. xx

Then on 14th August I was 60!

I celebrated with a party at Milton's Restaurant in Wokingham.  A converted old barn.  Lovely day.
Thanks everyone.  Delicious cake.

On Saturday, 20th October Rebeccah and David organised a Surprise Party for their father
Geoff Barron who was 70.  Great evening.  Well done.


                                           Bec looking gorgeous as ever.

                                            The birthday boy

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