Monday 17 October 2011

When will Caroline and Mike's Baby Arrive?????

When do YOU think Caroline will have her baby?

Caroline and Mike are proud to announce the birth of

Chloe Louise

Date:  1st November, 2011 - 1.11.11

Time: 15.20 hours

Weight: 6lb 11oz

And we are also pleased to announce Marian (Mike's Mum) has won.

Hers was the closest guess at 01.45 hrs. Boy 6lb 10 oz

Her due date is November 8th.


It is Monday, evening 31st October.  Caroline is currently IN LABOUR!
So - entries are officially closed.
Once we get the baby's official birth moment, we will let you know the winner.

THANKS so much for playing everyone - this is so much fun.


How to Play:

To join in our game, leave a comment for Caroline and Mike with your guess of when the baby will arrive. (Remember couples can have two guesses).
Example: November 8th at 02.40 hours (Please use 24 hour clock).
Also add your guess of the sex and weight - in case of a draw.

The closest will win a prize!

We will announce the winner as soon as we can.

Ready, Set, Guess..........

Phil and Sheila

Date                           Time                   Sex          Weight

31st Oct                     23.50hrs             Girl           7lb

2nd Nov                      01.45 hrs           Boy          6lb 10 oz       Marian and Bill
(Great Grandma's birthday!) but any sex, date, time, weight will be brilliant!
Can't wait.               

3rd Nov                      04.32 hrs            Boy          6lb 5oz          Sharon.
                                                                                                   Good Luck

5th Nov                       02.00 hrs            Boy          6lb 12 oz       Tricia

5th Nov                        03.40 hrs           Girl          6lb 70z           Bec

5th Nov                       18.10 hrs            Boy          7lb                 Caz Mum to be   (Guy???)  

5th Nov                       23.55 hrs            Girl           6lb 8 oz         Geoff  

6th Nov                       01.30 hrs            Boy          6 lb 5 oz        Phillipa

6th Nov                       12.30 hrs            Girl           6lb 7oz          Joan
Best wishes for a healthy baby

6th Nov                       13.45 hrs            Boy          6lb 11oz        Gemma

6th Nov                       14.00 hrs            Girl           8lb                 Lisa

6th Nov                        19.30hrs            Boy           7lb 6oz          Noreen

7th Nov                       00.20 hrs            Girl           7lb 1 oz         Chris and Ann

7th Nov                       15.10 hrs            Boy           7lb 4 oz        Mike Dad to be

7th Nov                       20.00 hrs            Girl            6lb 7 oz        Alun

7th Nov                       22.00 hrs            Girl            7lb 7oz         Stuart

8th Nov                       06.30 hrs             Boy          8lb 12 oz       Jenny

8th Nov                       06.34hrs              Boy          7lb 1oz          Katie
8th Nov                       12.21 hrs            Girl            6lb 15oz        John Candy
My birthday

9th Nov                       03.40 hrs             Boy           7lb 8 oz        Monty

9th Nov                       15.30 hrs.           Girl            6lb 7 oz         Hannah
I'm going to go for my mummy's birthday, just in time for tea.  Very excited to meet the little one! Much love

9th Nov                       15.30 hrs.           Boy           7lb                 Chris Hilton

10th Nov                     03.15 hrs            Boy           6lb 3 oz         Suzi and Tim. 
I have probably got every detail wrong.

10th Nov                      04.00 hrs           Boy           7lb 2 oz         Ann and Ivan

10th Nov                      06.30 hrs           Girl            6lb 7oz         Julia Candy

10th Nov                      09.25 hrs           Boy           6lb 5oz         John Rees
I'm no good at this.

10th Nov                      11.00hrs            Girl            6lb 10oz       Amy
Time has flown, I like the game idea too!

10th Nov                      11.45 hrs           Girl            6lb 4 oz        Sheila Lyons
What Fun!  Can't believe how that time has flown by!

10th Nov                      17.55 hrs            Boy           6lb 9oz        Lynsey

11th Nov                      02.35 hrs           Boy            7lb 10 oz     Naomi
Very excited to meet him/her (although we think it's a him).

11th Nov                      09.20 hrs           Boy             3.640kg      Doug and Sofia

11th Nov                      11.00hrs.           Boy             7lb              Eleanor
What an exciting time for you all.  He will make his first cry in the minute's silence.
Wishing Caroline and Mike all the best for this very big event.

11th Nov                      13.00hrs            Boy             7lb 1oz        Danny

12th Nov                      03.00 hrs          Girl                6lb 9oz       Clive and Rosie
All the best to Caroline and Mike plus 1 - hang on maybe we'll guess twins????

12th Nov                      05.20 hrs          Boy               7lb 8oz       Alistair

12th Nov                      08.04 hrs          Boy               8lb 3 oz       Stephen and Ebony
Sleep will be your friend Mike and Caroline.

12th Nov                      08.15 hrs          Girl                7lb 4oz       Sylvia

12th Nov                      15.00 hrs          Boy               7lb 7oz        Mum

 12th Nov                     15.20 hrs           Boy              6lb 12oz     Chris and Ann
What a fun idea!

12th Nov                      18.00 hrs           Girl               6lb 13 oz    Fiona

12th Nov                      20.25 hrs           Boy            7lb 8oz        Karen

12th Nov                      21.20 hrs           Boy           7lb 6 oz        Dad

13th Nov                      11.50 hrs           Boy                                Alan and Janet
What an unusual and nice idea.  Here's hoping for a quick and safe delivery

14th Nov                      11.45 hrs           Girl            6lb 13oz        Sue and Mike

14th Nov                      18.30 hrs           Girl            6lb 8oz          Tina

14th Nov                      21.15hrs            Boy            7lb 2oz          Leanne

14th Nov                      23.30 hrs            Girl           7lb 7 oz         Emily

15th Nov                      12.00 hrs           Boy           6lb 8oz           Maureen and Graeme
The baby will be a lovely playmate for litte Emmie.

15th Nov                      16.00 hrs           Girl             6lb 4 oz        Tim/Suzi

16th Nov                                                Girl             6lb 6oz         Geoff

16th Nov                      08.45 hrs           Girl             8lb 4 oz        Les Thorn

16th Nov                      23.59 hrs           Boy             7lb 3 oz       Jane and Ian

17th Nov                      20.30 hrs           Girl              7lb 10 oz or 3.54 kg  Tony and Pauline

23rd Nov                                               Boy             6lb 9oz        Pammy

Geoff Barron - Pam is in Liverpool until Thursday and this competition is well outside my area of competance.  I will need to wait to be guided by one who knows about these things!!!!  Best regards.

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