Thursday 6 October 2011

Caroline's Pre-Baby Party

On Sunday, 2nd October, 2011 I organised along with Gemma and Tina, two of the sweetest ladies I know, a champagne afternoon tea for Caroline.  We thought it would be nice to share the excitement with a party before baby arrives.  We hoped it would be a lovely bonding event in a "we are here for you" sort of way and it was. The party had a jungle theme because Caroline and Mike have decorated the nursery with a jungle theme.  It was a jungle of cutenes.

In celebration, Britain also took a last exuberant twirl in the autumn sun.  Traffic clogged the roads to Bournemouth and the seaside and Tina and I were still making sandwiches when the guests arrived.

Temperatures soared so high they were on the verge of triggering a government heatwave warning.  However, as I blog grey skies and showers have returned.  As it was such a lovely day we were able to decorate the garden also with bunting and were lucky enough to do the entire party outside.

Gemma was in charge of the decorating and the garden and house looked amazing and when mummy-to-be walked in she was thrilled with the decorations and all the effort that had gone into them.  Around the house were flowers,  adorable cuddly toys looking after jungle balloons and various baby items and cute clothes on a washing line.

We had loads of afternoon tea food arranged on the table including darling cupcakes made by Gemma.

Tina made some delicious quiches which were in a league all of their own.  Afternoon tea may be an old-fashioned idea but it still seems one worth resurrecting...Alun who arrived to be chief taster was very impressed and indeed asked for the recipe for the Indian-style Egg sandwiches.  Deliciously different with a fab fruity curry taste, here it is Alun:-

3 hard-boiled eggs
3 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp mild curry paste
4 apricots, finely chopped
8 slices white sandwich bread.
Shell and finely chop the eggs.  Mix with the mayonnaise, curry paste and apricots.  Easy.

Gemma  served champagne and/or lemonade.  Parenting 101.  Tea followed later.

Also on the table was a Nappy Cake.  Tina wants the instructions on how to make:-

60 plus nappies (depends on how big you make it).  I used huggies new born.
Ribbon patterned to fit the baby shower theme.
60 small rubber bands (depending on how you want to "build" the cake.
6 large rubber bands
One 8 oz baby bottle.  I used Johnsons.
Something for the top to match the theme.  I used a stuffed tiger.
Cake platter
Cake decorations.  I used balls of cotton wool but you could use baby sock roses, and baby items.

Step 1.  Here we go:  Let's build this cake one tier at a time.

For the first tier, you will need about 35 newborn nappies.
Unfold 17 of them and, one at a time, roll them up tight, starting from the front of the nappy and rolling it to the back.  The tighter the better.  Place a rubber band around the centre  after you roll each nappy to hold it tight.   These are the inner nappies for the cake.

Take the cake platter and place the 8 oz baby lotion in the centre.  Then place about 5-6 nappies around the bottle and put a large rubberband around the entire ring of diapers.
Next, form a second ring with the remaining 11-12 nappies by placing them around the 1st ring of nappies.  Complete it by placing a large rubberband around the 2nd ring.
Now for the final ring of nappies for the 1st tier:  Take 18-20 nappies, unfold each one, roll them up tight like before, but instead of a rubber band around each one, tie a thin, 1/4 inch piece of ribbon around the middle around each one.  Then place them around the second ring to form a 3rd ring.  Now take a large, 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon and tie it around the entire tier to hold them all together in a circle shape.
(Note you could use just rubberbands around each nappy for the 3rd ring if you have opaque ribbon to hold the 3rd ring together.  The important part is that no rubberbands are showing when you are done).
ALL RIGHT! you have made the 1st tier.

Step 2.  The second tier is made much the same way, only instead of 3 rings, you will only make 2 rings of nappies.  Just like the 1st tier, the inside ring will need about 5-6 nappies.  Part of the 8 oz bottle will be sticking out of the 1st tier, so place your 5-6 nappies around it to form the 1st ring of the 2nd tier.  The 2nd ring will need 11-12 nappies.  Place a ribbon around each one of those 2nd ring nappies and hold them all together in a circle with the 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon, just like before.

Step 3.  Third tier is easy!

It is probably easiest to assemble this tier on a table and then place it on the rest of the cake after it is assembled.  So, take a 4 oz bottle or soft toy or whatever and place it on the table.

Then take 5-6 nappies and roll them up like before and tie them with the thin ribbon.

Then place them around the 4 oz baby bottle or whatever and tie your wide ribbon around it to hold it together tightly in it's shape.  Take the top tier and place it on the top.


I organised some games, but I didn't want anything too regimented or time constricted.  I was a bit worried that people might not enjoy the games or find them a bit silly, but everyone really loved playing them and they were all great sports.

Boy or Girl?  That is the question.  So we asked Caroline some old wives' tales trivia questions:-

If you have colder feet than before pregnancy, then you are having a Boy.
     She said No.
If you are carrying your baby high, then you are having a Girl
     She is High
If you are craving sweets, then you are having a Girl
     She doesn't
If your baby's heartrate is over 140, then you are having a Girl.
     It is over, this was confirmed by Emily, Mike's sister, a midwife.
If you dislike orange juice during pregnancy, then you are having a Boy
     She loves orange juice
If your nose is widening during pregnancy, then you are having a Boy
     It isn't
If you are especially beautiful during pregnancy, then you are having a Boy because a girl steals her mother's beauty.  But not in Gemma or Emily's case.
     We all thought Caroline looked beautiful
If the expectant father is gaining weight just like you, then you are having a Boy
     He isn't.
If the sum of your age at conception and the number of the month of conception is an odd number, then you are having a Girl.
If you are craving meats or cheese, then you are having a Boy
     She isn't.
When you show someone your hands, if you hold them palms up, then you are having a Girl.
    Palms up.
If the hair on your legs grows faster during pregnancy then you are having a Boy
    It isn't
If you sleep with your pillow to the north, then you are having a Boy
    She doesn't
If your wedding ring hung over your stomach moves in circles then you are having a Girl
    Mike carried out this test, it moved back and forwards.
If your mother (the baby's maternal grandmother) has grey hair, then you are having a Boy.

We then played Guess the Baby.

Each guest brought a photograph of themselves and we all tried to match the guest with their cute baby picture.  When the guest was known she read out her new parent advice which she had written on a heart shaped card.  These were then stuck in a memory book next to the photo as a memento.
Lots of advice involved bottles in the fridge and I am not talking about milk!!!!

If you think I'm cute, you should see my Mummy's baby photograph.  They think she looked like me.

The youngest member of the party also looked like her mummy Emily

Keeping with the Jungle theme the next 2 games involved animals.  Answers at the end of this blog.

Name the Baby.  Write down all the baby names to the corresponding animal names.


How long does it take to carry a baby.....

American Black Bear ............................months
Blue Whale.............................................months
Elephant (Asian).....................................months
Spider monkey.........................................months

(I have put these in full so Nigel, Gemma's Dad, can try to score 100%. )

The last game was Toilet Paper Nappy.  In teams of 2.  One person stands while the other wraps a nappy on her.  Dianne was the judge and she thought Caroline's looked like a nappy?

I'm happy to say that the day was a huge success and everyone had a great time.  Caroline said she thought Gemma, Tina and I were a very professional team,  We had brought all the food, decorations, even cup and saucers so she didn't even have to switch on the dishwasher.  They came, they entertained, they left.

Party favours were individually packaged baby feet  cookies with blue and pink icing from our favourite bakery - Gemma's kitchen.

I gave Caroline a Nappy Bag so she could organise herself ready for the birth.  Well-stocked it is one part suitcase, one part first aid kit, one part entertainment centre and one part portable toilet!!  Hope I didn't forget anything.  She said it will not leave her side for the next few months.

So many of Caroline's friends sacrificed so much of their time just to support Caroline and travelled long distances in very heavy traffic.  Thank you.

We look forward to welcoming Caroline and Mike's new baby into the world........another party perhaps.  "Call me Bubbles".

Caroline and Mike practising at the end of the day.

Hello, sweet little baby.
I'm excited.....I'm filled with joy!
I can't help but wonder if you're a girl or a boy.
I find myself dreaming what we will play.
Tea parties for a girl
Sailboats for a boy.
As soon as I know, I'll buy you a toy.
Soon you'll see how much I care, there's so much to do, so much to share.
But first I must thank God above for sending you for love!

Answers:  Hatchling, Calf, Baby, Cub, Calf, Kit, Joey, Squab or Squeaker, Snakelet, Spiderling,
                  Cub or whelp, Pup or whelp, Colt of Foal.

                  7 months, 11-12 months, 90-95 days, 20-22 months, 30 weeks, 9 months, 240 days, 19-24
                   days, 7 months, 1 year, 12-13 months.

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