Thursday 11 January 2024

Happy 10th Birthday

 Wow!  Two whole hands old.  An entire decade of life is behind you.  I cannot believe I have been your Nanna for an entire ten years already.  You are half way to adulthood already!

I loved the baby stage with you, the toddler stage, the pre-schooler stage, the "golden years" of childhood stage and now I'm going to love this pre-teen stage too.

I love that you are your own person with your own thoughts.  Your own dreams.

I love listening to you, learning about you.  What makes you tick.  What brings you joy (PS5).  It's been such an incredible joy to see you grow and develop - to start to see the man you will be.

We went to Barolo's Italian restaurant to celebrate with you.  The singing waiters were great fun.

Happy Birthday Jamie X

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