Monday 22 May 2023

May Birthdays

 My boy is another year older.  The best son a family could ask for.

Happy Birthday wishes.  Love you so much.


Happy Birthday also to our darling granddaughter who turned 12 this month.

Being 12 is a great age.  You're sitting on the fence between who you once were and the beautiful young woman that you are becoming.

It's interesting, definitely unpredictable and a special year of discovery.

It's a time where you can still play with dolls but also get dolled-up in more grown-up clothes and it's perfectly acceptable.

It's a time to raise your voice in order to find it.

It's a time to indulge in a few extra sweets as you work your way through waves of emotions.

It's a time like no other, so enjoy it.

Live it up.

Say I'm sorry when you're mean (never).  Cuddle with your parents when you're sad.  Don't fight 12, but embrace it - and all the ups and downs that come with it.  12 looks good on you.  You take my breath away with your beauty and  grace.

Happy Birthday Darling.

And  finally, Grandad's birthday.

 And celebrating with "the swimmers".

                                                         Happy Birthday

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