Monday 9 January 2023

Happy Birthday Jamie

Happy Birthday Jamie.

It doesn't seem like five minutes since you turned 8, and here we are a whole 365 days later blowing the candles out on your 9th birthday cake.

In many ways you've not changed all that much in the last 12 months.  You still love lego, and are never too far away from a computer game.  You're trying hard at school.  You're utterly charming and chatty, but most of all you are kind and thoughtful.  You also love playing football with Chloe and snooker with Daddy.

This is your last year in single digits, you're really going to start changing in all kinds of ways over the next few years.  I guess it won't be too long before you are taller than me. 

As you blow out your candles, I hope all your wishes come true.  Happy Birthday

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