Monday 9 January 2023

Happy Birthday Jamie

Happy Birthday Jamie.

It doesn't seem like five minutes since you turned 8, and here we are a whole 365 days later blowing the candles out on your 9th birthday cake.

In many ways you've not changed all that much in the last 12 months.  You still love lego, and are never too far away from a computer game.  You're trying hard at school.  You're utterly charming and chatty, but most of all you are kind and thoughtful.  You also love playing football with Chloe and snooker with Daddy.

This is your last year in single digits, you're really going to start changing in all kinds of ways over the next few years.  I guess it won't be too long before you are taller than me. 

As you blow out your candles, I hope all your wishes come true.  Happy Birthday

Monday 2 January 2023

Christmas 2022

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

You snow the drill.  It's time to kick back and take a break to reconnect with loved ones, with lots of Christmas Events.........

Lunch with my Aqua Aerobics buddies.....

Festive Afternoon Tea at Chewton Glen, thank you Doug and Sofia......

We visited Exbury Garden this year and enjoyed a ride on the Festive Express railway.  Real-life elves greeted us and led the carol-singing as we steamed along. . Inside the engine shed Chloe met Father Christmas in his very special 'royal' train carriage.  Chloe also left a message on the Christmas wishing tree.

We enjoyed browsing the stalls at the Christmas market and, afterwards, a friendly elf supplied a cake for Chloe and Jamie to decorate.

Also time for a seasonal family trail running through Exbury's woodland gardens.  Such a beautifully festive day with frost.

We returned home to Milford on Sea, stopping to look at the Christmas decorations on the green.

The elves were busy playing a game when we walked in.

But it was time for Chloe and Jamie to watch their favourite game.  England in the World Cup.  Sadly the result wasn't the one they wanted.

The next morning the naughty Elves were hanging around.

Whilst Jamie and Chloe made festive pancakes.

We were lucky enough to be invited to Caroline's for Christmas.  So on Christmas Eve we took Jamie and Chloe to Kingston Lacy whilst Mummy prepped.  The house was fabulously decorated showcasing Christmas traditions from around the world.  Each room in the house represented a different story.  Colombia's Day of Little Candles in the Library, the tale behind the perennially popular carol 'Silent Night' in the Drawing Room, and the magical Legend of the Christmas Spider, an Eastern European folk tale popular in Ukraine in the Dining Room.  Two Ukrainian girls were in the Dining Room when we visited and they sang a Ukrainian carol for us.  The Spanish Room highlighted the story of the Three Kings, based on the Spanish Fiesta de los Reyes, and the staircase was decorated with shoes, explaining the Icelandic tradition of children putting shoes in their windows to receive sweets or rotting potatoes, depending on how well the child has behaved!)

Jamie and Chloe also made their own crackers for the Christmas Day dining table. 

Well done a fantastic Roast Turkey dinner and "HO HO HO! A huge jolly thank for letting us win the occasional game.  We had a great time and lots of new memories were made.  Thank you for hosting Caroline and Mike.

Emmie wasn't performing in the Panto on Tuesday 27th so we all headed over the Alun and Gemma's for the day and what a fabulous day.  Gemma's amazing cooking skills made this meal a fabulous feast!   We are still talking about the delicious steak and wonderful pud.  Not to mention the Chocolate Block.  You and Alun are such gracious hosts.  Everyone had such a great time, especially bowling on the computer. 

The Christmas celebrations and festivities are over, I've had my fill of mulled wine and carols.  It's time for bubbles and the New Year.

Happy New Year.  Wishing you health and happiness as we turn the page and usher in a brand new chapter.  Let's go......