Thursday 3 November 2022

Chloe is 11

I find myself staring at your baby photos in the study.  These photos from when you were an infant seem like yesterday and yet, when I look at you lately, I see you becoming this amazing young lady.  I still remember rocking you during the night singing Over In The Meadow while I breathed in the sweetness of your smell.  Here I stand eleven years later realising all that time is gone in the blink of an eye.

Years ago, young girls didn't have a lot of choice for sports.  Thankfully the world has changed and football is becoming a very popular activity for girls.  You are such a big fan of football, training about three hours a week.  You are really motivated and excited especially when picked as "Goalie".  Honestly, I am very impressed by your attitude, your skills and to see how your face is full of happiness when you are kicking a ball.  I am your biggest fan!

Really enjoyed celebrating your birthday with you.  PIZZA!

Always remember.  You are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem.  Smarter than you think and Loved more than you know.

Happy 11th Birthday.

You deserve to have all your wishes come true.

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