Thursday 5 May 2022

May is the month for celebrating birthdays.

 Alun celebrates first, followed closely by Emmie.

I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly a man stood where a boy used to be.  I may not carry you in my arms but I will always carry you in my heart.  You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become.

And to celebrate Alun and Emmie's birthdays we all met up in the New Forest at Bolderwood for a picnic and games.  Adjacent to the car park is a large flat grassy Forest lawn, perfect for kicking a football around or grouping up for a game of rounders!

Pass the Parcel

Emmie is 11 years old this year.  Wow.  Time flys by.
I can still remember the moment you were placed into my arms for the very first time.  I can still picture you as a toddler, that constant energy that kept Mummy and us on our toes.  We still laugh about how fast you could run!!

And now you'll soon be heading to big school.  But I have zero worries - you will do well, your drive to learn and do your best is something I'll always admire.  I have it all memorised but I've noticed that you've grown (nearly as tall as me now).  That ounce of teenager is ready to come out from under the surface.

You have brought us immeasurable joy in the last eleven years and I can't wait to see what this new year will bring.

Eleven years ago, I held you for the very first time and began to learn who you are.  I'm so incredibly proud of you Emmie -Boo.

Happy 11th birthday.  Really enjoyed the celebrations with you.

I love you to the moon and back.

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