Monday 1 November 2021

Happy 10th birthday to our darling Granddaughter. we are on Chloe's 10th birthday.  Goodness, it is such a cliche, but it does feel like yesterday when Mummy brought you home from hospital.

Chloe is such a kind, sweet girl, who looks out for everyone.  She understands emotions and things that are going on around her.  She is a great sister too.  She is patient and helps Jamie if he needs something.  She is there to listen, hug or help him when he falls over.

She asks why people are cruel and say nasty things, she doesn't get why people can't be nice to each other.

Chloe loves playing football, tennis, karate, playing with Lego or on the computer.  Baking and crafting are still two of Chloe's favourite things to do.  I hope she'll always keep this up as she's really good at it.

Happy birthday to our beautiful, funny, caring, special and cheeky Chloe.  Hope your 10th year is as awesome as you are.


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