Monday 31 August 2020

The Evil Weever Fish

 Emmie has been learning to surf this summer and she was just showing Nanna how good she is getting when she thought she had just stood on a rock and cried out in agonising pain.

A lifeguard realised pretty quickly what had happened.  The pain set in rapidly and Emmie was screaming.

You have trodden on an evil weever fish and your first and only aim is to get your foot in red hot water, as hot as you can stand, as the poison is protein based and its destroyed by heat.

The symptoms vary but involve excruciating pain.  Apparently as you sit and wait for the kettle to boil the pain really sets in and you can't focus on anything else but the pain, even grown men cry.  Poor Emmie.

Slowly though the pain did subside and we would like to thank the wonderful lifeguards at Branksome Beach in Bournemouth for their quick response.  Emmie now wants to be a lifeguard, but first we had better buy some surf boots.

The small fish have been drawn to UK shores by the recent heatwave and lurk in shallow water.  The creatures bury themselves in the sand for camouflage, making it hard for sun-worshipping Brits to spot them.  If trodden on the spines unleash a powerful venom that can cause excruciating pain.

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