Thursday 25 April 2019

Eggcelent Easter Fun

During the Easter school holidays we took Jamie and Chloe (Emmie was on holiday with her Mummy and Daddy) to Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre where they each made a lovely Easter bunny out of rice and socks!!
The following day it was raining so we popped into Christchurch Library and enjoyed the Easter craft activities.
It's a family tradition to visit Kingston Lacy where we all (Emmie included) enjoyed an Easter adventure in the woodland following a special spring story.  Having completed the activities along the way the grandchildren were able to claim a delicious chocolate treat at the end.  It was hungry work.
During the 1.5 mile route around the woodland, searching for clues, they also enjoyed playing hide and seek and climbing trees.  A great way to get outdoors and active with an Easter egg at the end.  It was bitterly cold though.

However, we saw soaring temperatures and cloudless skies over the long Easter weekend.  We were even able to have breakfast outside and a sundowner on the beach!!!
A few brave souls even enjoyed a dip in the sea to cool off as the mercury soared to 25 degrees.
Tens of  thousands of people flocked to Bournemouth to bask in the glorious sunshine (the warmest Easter weekend for 70 years).
Needless to say we didn't join them!!  And on Easter Monday the family came to us.  The girls in their new Easter clothes.
And what could be more fun than eating Easter Eggs?  Finding them, of course!

We filled hollow plastic egg containers with 20p coins and the Easter Bunny hid them around the garden.
Then after lunch there was an indoor hunt with a series of cryptic clues to help seek out the end prize of a large Egg.

Jamie's clues:-
To begin your search here's your first clue:  Walk, don't run and check the toy box.

Has the postman been? Better look and see.  No letters there, except from me.

Have you heard the news?  the next clue is where you will find your shoes.

Now where do you sit to watch TV?  Hurry up and go and see.
Rub-a-dub-dub go and check in the bath tub.

A pillow is where you rest your head, go and look in a bed.

I have four legs to keep me stable, go and look under the t....

The next clue to you will be told, go and look where food stays cold.

Hurry now, off you must go, look in a coat pocket and don't be slow.

Don't turn it on but look in the oven.

Chloe's clues:-

To begin your search here's your first clue:  You use me to cook with.  

The next clue will be found with ease, if you get a sudden urge to sneeze.

I rain on you when you need a scrub, I'm very much like my friend the tub.

Wanting more?  Why not check by the back d...

This clue is tricky.  I'm looking out of a window.

In a drawer where pants and socks fit.

It's snuggly here in this b..

I hope these feet aren't too smelly.

Near where you sit to watch TV?  Oh please hurry and find me.

I'm the place where you wash your dishes.

Emmie's clues:-

To begin your search here's your first clue:-  Look under where you wipe your shoes.

I am where you watch your favourite shows, and at night I like to glow.

I am always running but have no legs, I am cold and white and always have a light.

I keep stinky socks in me, and any dirty clothing that comes to be.

I am under the place where your head rests, after a long day of taking tests.

I hold the books you like to read.

Turn me on and you can see, turn me off to let the night be.

I have hands but no arms, just a face and my hands move at a steady pace.

I have a sound that goes beep, and my main function is to heat.

I wash your clothes and go around and around.

The children did really well and were rewarded with their chocolate eggs.   We all really enjoyed the day except poor Mike and Caroline who spent the day in A and E because a stray dog ran out into the road and knocked Mike off his bike.

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