Tuesday 15 January 2019

Jamie turns five

Last week my youngest grandchild, my train mad, bright eyed grandson, Jamie turned five.
I actually can't believe I'm typing out the number 5, wow, it sounds so, well, grown up and (ha!) I feel too young :)!

It only feels like yesterday he was lying in my arms a new-born baby and now he's this little lively person.  A loveable little guy and one who has become such a sensible, sweet and caring child.

And now to the day of Jamie's party.

There was disco music playing and a bubble machine as the children arrived with Krazy Kev on hand to welcome them.
Jamie and his friends had the most fun, playing, laughing, dancing and eating, of course.  There were silly games, played with great vigour, and crazy party dances.  This action shot makes me laugh,  Dance Jamie Dance.

The other children had an absolute ball too.  He was fully in his element running around and playing with his friends and he truly lapped up the party atmosphere.

Then Jamie chatted and laughed his way through the birthday meal with his buddies!

The man of the moment was impressed by Mummy's cake.

After the party food it was time for Krazy Kev's comedy Magic Show (with REAL rabbit) starring Jamie as The Star of the Show!

Before we knew it, two hours had flown by and it was time to hand out the party bags and bid the party-goers goodbye!

What a 'super' Krazy Kev party for all!

Argh 5 years, what an age - a school boy now, a young man in training.

Happy Birthday little man XXXXXXX

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