Sunday 8 July 2018

The Coolest Pre-School Graduation and Sizzling Gymnastics

The graduates waited nervously to receive their diploma.  One by one they were called out and as they walked along the stage the Master of Ceremonies read out a short sentence about each one.  They then posed with their diplomas as teary eyed-parents took photographs.

It is a scene re-enacted by twentysomethings in universities around the world every year.  But a younger crowd is starting to copy them - a much younger crowd.

More and more nurseries, kindergardens and pre-schools are offering "graduation" ceremonies for the 3 and 4-year-olds about to leave for primary school.

Jamie has graduated from pre-school.

There weren't many dry eyes amongst the parents, but the teacher got the most upset of all because she won't be seeing the children again.  It was a very happy afternoon and the start of the next part of Jamie's life.

Of course, it's not an actual graduation ceremony, but there's the whole aspirational side of it.  Who knows, at age four, what Jamie is going to achieve?

And Jamie really enjoyed the cake afterwards.

And then the next day another graduation ceremony - this time at Comotion.  And he also got a lolly!!

And then we went to two gymnastics events.  Emmie and Chloe love going to gymnastics.  The only frustrating thing is that they are constantly doing cartwheels and handstands.  Am I unreasonable to ask them to do some colouring or play with lego instead of practising handstands when I look after them?  I am impressed though - doing a handstand requires you to have a mastery of strength, technique, and balance.  None of which I now have!!!!  Oh yes, I have tried!!!

The first show was at Chloe's school gym club.  It was so lovely to watch Chloe with her megawatt smile, she obviously loves gymnastics and  I love cheering her on.

And then to Emmie's gymnastics event like no other!  Gymnasts from clubs across Bournemouth showed off their displays performing on stage in front of a huge crowd.  With gymnastics, dance, tumbling, group balances, lifts and throws there was so much exciting action to watch.  Bravo Emmie.

And it was soooo hot (30 degrees) but everyone was very happy, especially the Dads because England had just won their quarter final match in the World Cup Football.

To cool off we all went to the beach for delicious fish and chips and Fizz.  What a wonderful end to a fabulous day.

And on Sunday temperatures soared through the 100 degree F barrier at Heathrow where at 2.50 p.m. the mercury had risen to 100.

So Nanna went in the sea...…..

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