Friday 11 May 2018

Happy Birthday Emmie

I can't believe you are 7 years old today.  I'm not sure that I'm ready for that yet.  For some reason, 7 feels like the start of a new phase of childhood.  I've noticed a subtle shift over this past year, where things that were once appropriate for you aren't any longer.

You're not interested in little children's shows or little kids toys anymore.  You no longer run around naked (thank goodness) and even your speech is changing.  You are maturing at a frankly alarming rate and it takes my breath away.

I love your intuitive grasp of modern technology.  I think you mastered Mummy's iPod in the same week you learned to walk!  You've also learned that perseverance and hard work pay off, especially when trying to master the elusive cartwheel.

The best is yet to come.  And as it becomes less often that you reach to grab my hand or beg me to lay with you for just five more minutes, I'll always be there for you.

Happy 7th birthday Emmie.  Nanna loves you to the moon and back plus infinity and beyond.

Daddy, my son, also had another birthday in the same week!!  And we all celebrated with a BBQ.
A lot of work goes into the planning and executing of any party and Gemma is the perfect hostess.  She always hosts a bash to impress.  (Alun always says never again L.O.L).

The food, as usual, was superb, as was Nigel the grill chef.  Gemma had set up a self-service bar where guests could help themselves to beer, wine, champagne and soft drinks.  We all appreciated Gemma's hard work, it was a fabulous party.

Sorry no photos as yet.  Alun has promised some.

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