Sunday 14 January 2018

Jump for Joy it's Jamie's birthday

Yippee, it's a Co-Motion Party.  I love Co-Motion which Jamie attends once a week.  Linda is a caring teacher, sensitive to the needs of each individual child and Jamie really loves his weekly visit.  So he joined in with Seren, one of his friends at Co-Motion, to have a joint 4th birthday party and they invited 36 children!!!!!!

An afternoon of fun, laughter, activity, colour, music and movement.  The party started with rhymes and songs but quickly developed into moving around the room in structured and unstructured dance activities.  Many different and colourful props were used, accompanied by a varied selection of music.

Whoop Whoop.  Come party with us as we celebrate Jamie and Seren turning four years old.

It was a physical, active, fast-paced party - a fantastic combination of dance and music coupled with a wide range of equipment including hoops, scooters, tunnels, dressing up clothes and who let the dogs out!!!!!

Linda is such a smiley, happy and bubbly person.  She did a fantastic Co-Motion party for Jamie's 4th birthday.  All the children had a brilliant time and that was all thanks to Linda's energy and enthusiasm.  And after all that entertainment the children were ready to sit down quietly for the birthday feast.

Caroline and Seren's Mummy worked so hard too.  A sausage roll and a game of pass the parcel in the front room just doesn't cut it any more and children's birthday parties are becoming more and more sophisticated but great fun.  If your grandchildren are anything like ours, then the birthday party is second only in excitement value to Christmas.

How is Jamie 4?  My lovely little chatterbox.  Like your Mummy, you love books and are just happy to sit down and flick through them if Mummy is not able to read to you.

I love that you are so affectionate and throw yourself into my arms for hugs.  I love how you like to sing along to the CDs on car journeys.  How you love to play with your Biro train set and build things with Lego.  And our day trips to Adventure Wonderland.

You are so funny and regularly make us laugh with your questions and quirky personality.

I adore seeing you and Chloe giving each other cuddles and kisses.  Even if you do squabble over toys.

There is so much I am proud of I could write for hours and hours, even the simple things like morning hugs in bed make me happy.  You are such a blessing in our life, such a joy.
Happy Birthday Jamie and I cannot wait to see what next year brings.

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