Monday 9 January 2017

Oh how you've grown!

Our darling Jamie, oh how you've grown!  I cannot get my head around the fact that it's been three years since you came into my life.  It seems like yesterday you were toddling around, muttering words and sounds.  Now you are a full on boy who runs, jumps, sings, speaks in full sentences, asks questions and is constantly absorbing the world around you.

You spread such joy to those who know you.  You laugh contagiously.  You love your older sister.  Your imagination is running away to far away lands of trains and monster trucks.  Every day is a new adventure.  I want to weep when I hear you sing.  That little voice is just so precious.  Whether we're singing Down at the Station, Row, row, row your boat, I feel such joy that music makes you happy.  I hope it continues as you grow.  My favourite musical moment was when you climbed into our bed on Christmas morning and Grandad could only think of the words to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and every couple of lines, you piped in.  You rock every chance you get and love to play the drums and dad's guitar when Mummy will let you! You may just be a musician when you get older.

Most signs of my baby grandson have faded.  You smell different.  Your baby cheeks are almost completely gone.  There are no rolls of pudgy toddler.  You are my grandson.  My sweet, sweet boy.

As much as I miss the days that have passed, I am loving the moments now.  Especially when you throw those little arms around my neck.  Heart melting.

I am excited to see what lies ahead for you this year especially as today you start at Pre-School.  Not really sure you are looking forward to it but I know you will enjoy it.

Have fun.  Play hard.  Stay sweet.

Happy 3rd Birthday Jamie.  Everyone really enjoyed your party at Role Play.

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