Tuesday 1 November 2016

Christmas cooking with Nanna and Grandad

Chloe came to stay over October half term.  After shopping in the supermarket (a treat because Mummy doesn't do this - she internets) Chloe put on her Christmas apron, grabbed a stool and joined us in the kitchen to make the Christmas pudding and Christmas cake.  I can see a budding cook.

We took a beloved, traditional recipe and made it together.

Children gain so much from cooking - science, maths, reading skills (perhaps next year) patience, small motor skills and the confidence achieved from accomplishing a task.

We all made a wish as we stirred the Christmas Pudding for a happy and healthy year to come.

Baking together can be a special experience.  She was so proud of the results.  With all the love that went into the measuring and stirring I am sure they will taste wonderful at Christmas.  Hope so.

And after all the cooking it was off to the beach and Adventure Wonderland with Emmie and Jamie to let off steam!!!!!!

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