Sunday 8 May 2016

A Fairytale Birthday

Emmie awoke to a grand birthday show of six royal trumpeters lined up in a row.

She rolled out of the covers and up she bounced, as Star Lily the Unicorn nobly announced.

"We have come from a magical far-away land where birthday parties are majestic and grand.

Happy Birthday Emmie, today is your day.  Let us be on our way.

Our Enchanted Kingdom is across the sky, so climb aboard, hold tight, and wave goodbye!"

They soared through the air, above all the trees, over medieval cities and across rolling seas.

Through clouds that were dreamy, so soft and so white, over peaks of tall mountains, oh what a sight!

Their wild ride had many a twist and twirl.  It was a fairy-tale flight for a birthday girl.

Then a castle with turrets came into view, with flags streaming high in hues pink and blue.

Emmie's name was spelled out for the kingdom to see.

A castle for Emmie!  Could this land really be?

Emmie caught sight of an emerald green moat, with a dragon, a drawbridge and a royal golden boat.

She glided in to land at the castle's great gate, and she hurried inside.

She could hardly wait!

Then a royal maiden curtsied in to declare that she had come to help Princess Emmie prepare.

Emmeline dressed up for her majestic affair, twirled in the mirror, and descended the stair.

The sight of Emmie took the guests' breath away!  They all applauded and had this to say.

"Dear Emmeline,

You are our birthday princess today because you are special in every way.  You are a beautiful girl, but that's only one part.
It's the inside that counts.
It's what's found in your heart.
You're generous, caring, creative and kind, curious, humourous with an intelligent mind."

Wheeled out was a fantastical birthday cake that had taken all of Queen Gemma's bakers to bake.

It was a glorious sight! (Shame about Queen Nanna in mirror!)

The guests all cheered and they sang in delight.

Happy Birthday to you.

Emmie knew exactly the next thing to do.

She whispered her wish as she blew out the flames and then came the music, performers and games!

The guests were all dancing.
They twirled all around.

What a royal adventure you have had today.
We celebrated your birthday in a magical way.

The time has come to fly home through the air.
The wings of the unicorn will carry you there.

Goodnight little Emmeline.
Sleep tight and in the morning you will awake in your home far away.


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