Tuesday 26 May 2015

Home from Home at La Reserva de Biniorella

Ah, location, location and indeed location.

Every time I return I fall in love with this beautiful villa all over again - especially the newly decorated bedroom.

Previously, on our family holidays I have retained exclusive control over the grocery shopping so
when the guys offered to do the large shop on arrival I gladly handed over the very large shopping list. The thrill of how successful and fast they had been quickly turned to dismay, however, when I pointed out they had only bought enough beer for perhaps one day and 5 kilograms of rice instead of 500g.  However, thank you so much for your efforts and the crate of Cava was much appreciated!!!!

In order to use some of the rice Phil made his Seafood Paella.  One of the great dishes of our holiday, his paella is delicious and looks really impressive too.

Eaten straight from the pan at the centre of the table.  So get a spoon and tuck in!

The next evening Alun was the Barbeque King.


It's 11 a.m. and I am sitting enjoying the glorious view from our terrace.

The sun has just broken through, burning off the last of a sluggish cloud.  A heavenly spot for a swim, a doze and a lazy hour or two with a book.

Clever Emmie swam 5 metres for the first time on this holiday.

It would be quite easy to while the whole week away by the poolside but we have plans.........

Today we are going to the Santa Caterina winery located in a tranquil setting on a hillside in one of the most beautiful valleys of the Sierra de  Tramuntana on the Andratx to Capadella road.  The car ride up this windy mountain road is a thrill  of it's own with hairpin curves but the views are stunning.

Our pre-ordered picnic baskets awaited us on arrival and all we had to do was decide on our wine.

The wine tasting took place in the impressive sandstone wine cellar and we sampled 7 different wines (red, white, rose).

I'm not an expert on wines (mine tends to be 'fridge door white) but I love a good looking label.  Imagine this on my dining room wall and table at home:-

Notice bottle is empty!!!  According to the men though it was a very good hearty red.  We bought  extra for Alun and Mike to take home because they were driving.  Only fair.

Within the winery there are large tunnels that have been bored into the mountain, which are used for ageing wines and entertaining small children!!!

We ate our picnics in the beautiful courtyard outside.  Chorizo/ham/cheese/olives bread and olive oil.  Nothing beats the freedom you feel while picnicking in a peaceful spot with a chilled glass of white wine.

A happy child on holiday means relaxed parents so on the journey home we stopped at Port Andratx and rounded off the day with a trip to Capri ices, which are without a doubt, the best ice creams in town.  The business is family owned and the "helado" is handmade in the next down along, Peguera.  The Port Andratx locals always know when the tourism season has begun when Capri has opened it's doors.

It's Grandad's birthday, thank you Javier for the surprise bottle of wine, and the children treat us to lunch at our favourite restaurant, Villa Italia in Andratx.  Well....I've written about this wonderful place before.

Love this restaurant, it's the perfect lunchtime spot.  Our table, set behind glass, on the edge of the terrace has a stunning view overlooking the bay.

Their lunch menu is fabulous....and good value.  Staff always attentive and they love kids!

Personally, I can't wait to go again.

On our return to Camp de Mar the girls enjoyed a tennis lesson.  They now want to start lessons on their return to England.  Wimbledon here we come.

  not forgetting the Ball Boy...

Work those muscles...

or Ping Pong anyone?

Then back to our lovely pool.

Whether you wish to immerse yourself in culture, escape to the countryside or just soak up the sun Mallorca will oblige.

Thank you my lovely family for another wonderful holiday together.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Occupation - "Mother"

Thought Caroline and Gemma may enjoy this.  I once wrote it for a job description and found it again whilst decluttering the bookshelf..

I'm a research associate in the field of child development and human relations.  My research is in the field and the laboratory (outdoors and indoors).  I am currently working on my Masters and already have two credits (one son and one daughter).  The job is one of the most demanding in the Humanities and I often work 14 hours a day.  But it's a challenging career and the rewards are job satisfaction rather than just money!!!!!

Also found this poem my Mother sent to me when Alun was born.

I hope my children look back on today
And see a mother who had time to play.
There will be years for cleaning and cooking,
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Monday 4 May 2015

Our Granddaughter's 4th birthday

Monday, 4th May, 2015

Four years ago we were blessed with a precious little granddaughter called Emmeline, and she is everything we always dreamed she would be.....and so much more.

In honour of Emmeline's birthday Cyber Nanna has downloaded just a few photographs (from the hundreds) taken over the last four years of this little bundle of sunshine and joy.

She is so adorable and I think she looks like a fairy princess.

Her precious photos always make me smile, I hope you enjoy them too.

Happy Birthday beautiful, sweet Emmeline.