Thursday 8 January 2015


It's incredible that a year has passed since you first graced us with your adorable smile.  I still remember that day as though it was yesterday.

You were the most perfect little boy!  So handsome with that dark head of hair, that is now blonde, and those beautiful eyes.  Love just poured out of me and it hasn't stopped.  Since that night a year ago you have brought so much joy and love into our lives.  I loved rocking and singing to you.  (Go to sleep my little baby).  What a little man you have grown into.  From our the walking.

I am looking forward to the next year, as you learn to talk and sing, play on the beach, and discover new things.  I look forward to reading to you, baking cakes and playing cars and trains.

                                             HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY DARLING JAMES.


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