Sunday 12 January 2014

A New Precious Grandson

What a wonderful moment to hear that a new grandchild is on the way!  It was back in May, 2013, whilst on the family holiday in Majorca, that Caroline and Mike announced they were expecting another baby.

A new grandchild is one of the most magical moments of your life.

Meet my new grandson, James William.

I am a proud Nanna.  James William was born on Wednesday, evening, 8th January at 7.25 p.m.
(Caroline only arrived at Bournemouth hospital at 7.05 p.m.!)  He weighed 7lb 5oz and is 48 cm  tall with lots of jet black hair.

I am so blessed.  Mother and baby are both well.  I am so proud of my daughter.  She was amazing during the whole process.

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to Jamie......

He is named after my father, James Hilton and Phil's father, William Rees plus Mike's father, Bill and I believe a few other relatives on Mike's side.

So much hair and such dark hair, just like his father.

He's such a charmer!!  (James that is, although Mike is a charmer too).  There is nothing quite like a fresh new baby.

Looks like piano playing fingers too, I think.

Big Sister Chloe was very excited to meet her new baby brother.

Do you believe in love at first sight?  The first look jump-starts your heart into a lifelong love affair.

Grandad's first cuddle.

The moment I held James William in my arms for the first time, I wondered how such a tiny bundle could create so many emotions within me.

I visited to help with the new baby.  You know the mundane stuff - washing up, making tea, meals, etc.
I really wanted James to myself but I am prepared to wait my turn.  Soon Caroline and Mike will be only too happy to let me soothe the baby, although I must say they were very generous in letting the family have lots of cuddles.

James with Mike's parents.

Great Nanna Elaine

and Alun and Gemma

Mike's sisters also visited but unfortunately I didn't take any photographs.

Chloe seemed to understand that we will always have the same special closeness, no matter how many grandsons and granddaughters may follow and Chloe and I had some intensive one-on-one adventures, like visiting Kids' Gym, as well as more ordinary moments, in the first few days after James arrived.

helping to bathe her little brother.

I know a baby usually wakes up in the wee-wee hours of the morning but there is also lots and lots of love, a little bit of laughter and so much happiness.

1 comment:

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