Sunday 4 November 2012

Chloe's One Year in a Flash Birthday Party

Chloe is one!

To prepare for the party a washing line with a wooden peg and a photograph for each month of Chloe's life was strung on the wall.

Every parent says it......they grow up so fast! In just one year Chloe has gone from snuggling and sleeping most of the day to 'almost' toddling around the house, laughing and calling out for "Ma Ma Ma".

Dad Mike getting pass the parcel ready.  You won't believe how long it took to assemble!!!!

Mum preparing the food.  Wonderful spread.

Emmie arrives in her party frock

and Chloe has her birthday frock on

Let the giggling being...............

Chloe made a new friend last year.

He has a mop of yellow hair, wears little yellow trousers, a little red jumper and his name is Jo.
But Jo is no ordinary child.  Oh no.  His name is Jo Jingles and Chloe absolutely loves him and his music, singing and movement.

The paracute game.....

Two little dicky birds....

Bye, Bye Jo you were excellent.

Then it was time for the cake.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Chloe, Happy Birthday to you.
Time now to open all the gorgeous presents, of which there were many.  Just a couple:-

Chloe's first pony from her Godmother, Hannah and

every girl loves shoes.  What do you think of my Ugg boots from Katie?  Chloe thinks this is a good look with the party dress.

The party finished with a spectacular firework display by Dad and Granddad.   xxx

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