Thursday 20 September 2012

Piers and Hannah's Wedding

We were so lucky to be invited to this quintessentially English summer wedding.

The wedding ceremony was held at the Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace on Saturday, 15th September, 2012 at 2.30 p.m.  We knew it would be special when the invitation stated:
Dress code (comfortable satorial elegance).
Gentlemen: lounge suit (ties optional, but not obligatory)
Ladies: fabulous millinery encouraged!

Gemma looking as gorgeous as ever.  Love the hat.

What a beautiful day they had chosen.  The sun shone as we met Piers and his family for a drink, in the Mitre pub by the Thames across the road from Hampton Court, before the wedding.

                                                           Piers in the middle


Walking to the Royal chapel was so interesting but we didn't have time to linger.

The Royal Chapel is beautiful, it takes your breath away.  It is outstandingly rich, colourful and layered with history.   The Chapel Royal is part of Her Majesty The Queen's ecclesiastical household.  The Chapel's ceiling is the grand culmination of the Tudor interiors at Hampton Court.  The striking blue and gold ceiling was commissioned by King Henry VIII in 1535, and built by a master carpenter from nearby Kingston-upon-Thames. The organ above the stalls was put in place in 1712 and although it was overhauled in 1993, remains broadly as it was 300 years ago.  Much of the woodwork, including the carved oak altar table, the pews, the panelling and the pillars supporting the Royal Pew were designed by Sir Christopher Wren.  The oak reredos behind the altar was carved by Grinling Gibbons for the Palace of Whitehall, but in 1696 it was dismantled and transported by river to Hampton Court.  The large, egg-shaped oval was created at the request of Queen Anne in 1710, and although it may have been simply 'decorative' in the English Baroque style of the time, the oval design has always been a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ at Easter (of which Easter eggs are still a popular reminder).

Unfortunately, no photographs are allowed in The Royal Chapel but visit

Hannah was a beaming, blushing, beautiful Bride as she walked down the Aisle and Piers was beaming with joy throughout the entire ceremony.

We sang the National Anthem at the end of the wedding service which was rather special and during the Signing of the Registers the Gentlemen and Choristers sang The Anthem: Zadok the Priest by Handel.  Magnificant.  Suggest you listen to it on You Tube.

The Cloister outside the main doors of the Chapel Royal has remained much as it was in Cardinal Wolsey's time.

Caroline was Maid of Honour and looked beautiful, as usual.

The venue for their reception was the grounds of their home.  A real English Country Wedding.

Hannah emerged from Piers Ferrari in a froth of silk chiffon. 

Such a gorgeous dress and looking immaculate after squeezing in to the Ferrari!

Hannah had decorated the dress herself with delicate crystal beads.  A beautiful touch.

I'm quietly convinced that in a parallel universe Hannah is a Hollywood actress.  I mean, look at her.  Stunning.  Her personality is so lovely too.

The marquee looked beautiful too.  Very romantic with it's sumptious interior and accessories (cigar bar!) designed to create that extra special atmosphere.

The reception was informal and fun.  We sat on the Mauritius table and our name placements were in the form of a postcard from the happy couple.

Mine read:  Sheila we're so happy to have you here - both of us.
We're also so proud to have Caz looking after Hannah.  Piers thought about asking Alun to be his Bridesmaid, but decided he was just too unreliable in committing to actually being anywhere.  We love your family, and we love the fact that you're all here.  Thank you - from the heart - for joining Our Special Day.

and Phil's:- Phil, your task is hopeless: to maintain order whilst Alun, Mike, Jonny and Tim do their level best to create disorder.  Good Luck with that, then....
We both hope you are having a wonderful day and that the evening is equally fun.  Thank you, so much, for being here.

Here is a dish to satisfy the meat eaters at a wedding feast.
Alun had been chosen to don the 'special' apron and stand behind a butcher block cutting slices of meat for each guest on our table.
The wine served with the beef was Chocolate Block from South Africa.
A great blend.  Cocoa nose.
The evening was filled with fun, laughter and dancing.

The dance floor was packed all night long and it was  fantastic to see everyone having such a good time.

I absolutely loved Piers and Hannah's wedding.  A gorgeous garden marquee, brilliant guests and the happiest couple.  What a perfect combination.

It was a magnificent day filled with love, laughter and happy memories.

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