Thursday 21 July 2022

What a wonderful birthday present.

 Thank you so much to our children for the fabulous birthday present - a Michael Buble concert.

It was great fun.

  For such a superstar, there is no sign of arrogance in him.  The sounds were amazing, and he is a very talented singer.  It takes some guts to put yourself up for direct comparison with Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Mel Torme.  He doesn't try to take ownership of their songs - he would see that as disrespectful - he is honouring their work.

He is a crooner - Grandad "Choc Choc" would have been in his element at this concert, especially with a 40 piece orchestra.

We thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Moving on

 The move to senior school is both exciting and unnerving in equal measure.

Emmie is moving on.  First day and last day......

I can't get over how quickly the last seven years have gone, it only seems like yesterday when she put on her uniform for the first day.  We both have mixed feelings.  It is sad that it is the end of an era at Park but looking forward to the next chapter, I am sure Emmie will love senior school.

One more step along the world you go.......

All our love, hugs and kisses.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

The Big 7 - 0

Thank you Caroline and Gemma for the hosting, planning and execution of our milestone birthday.

The hospitality and generosity you showered upon us was top-notch.  You really know how to host a party!  Caroline your home served as a perfect venue for the perfect party with perfect hosts.

Great memories, lots of delicious food cooked by the boys on the BBQ and wonderful desserts made by Gemma.

Vintage photos were a big part of the decor, including edible photos of us on the cake made by Gemma.

It was a most wonderful and joyous party.  Thanks to all who helped or contributed to make our special birthday celebration a most happy day.

We are extremely proud parents with the best daughter-in-law and son-in-law in the world and three of the most adorable, well-behaved grandchildren - not to mention so many lovely family and friends.

There's just something about gathering a bunch of family and friends together, being outside, and having a good time.  Life doesn't get too much better than that.