Sunday 9 January 2022

Oh Sweet Buddy......Can't believe you are Eight

 I can't believe your eighth birthday is upon us.  On this day eight years ago, my heart was overjoyed to hear the news, I had a grandson.

I've had the pleasure of spending eight whole years loving you.  Watching you grow up gives me such joy and your personality is still developing.

September 2016
March 2017
January 2018
                                                                         May 2019

January 2020
                                                                          October 2021

Now I know the past two years have not been easy for you.  It's a time we all, unfortunately, will always remember.  When Covid-19 struck and we went into lockdown, I did my best to keep your spirits lifted via Houseparty on the i pad.  Not being able to play with your friends or sit in class with teacher instruction took its toll on you but I know you did your best.  Even  though you relied on your i pad and Roblox to get you through most days (and way more than Mummy wanted!).  But I was highly impressed with hearing how you did Zoom meetings with your class.

When allowed I've loved our adventures together during the year.  Being able to be with you on holiday in August in Biniorella made it all that much more special.

Your strength as you grow older impresses me.  Just the other day, whilst out walking, you fell into a plant and got some nasty spikes jammed in your legs and hand.  I know it was painful, especially when Daddy pulled them out - you were so brave.

Chloe is so lucky to have you as a brother as you are so patient and loving with her.  She can be quite challenging at times but you respond with calm empathy with way more maturity than your years dictate.  Saying all this, god forbid you ever get hungry because it's like you've had an entire personality transplant.  Then as soon as you have eaten, you are our sweet chilled out little boy again.  Grandad and I often laugh together about how much you love cake!  So pleased you wanted to celebrate your birthday with us.

Your favourite things at the moment are football, playing games on your i pad, watching You Tube videos and playing on your Nintendo switch.  You don't really play with toys anymore which makes me a little sad.  I loved playing trains with you.

Now you can read properly.  As someone who gets a lot of joy from reading, I'm thrilled to see you start to do the same.

Here's to 8 Buddy, let's have even more laughs and lots of cuddles this year.

Happy Birthday.

Monday 3 January 2022

Christmask 2021

 It's such a magical time of year!  Even as a full blown adult!  I love doing all things Christmas with the grandchildren and the Christmas trees, the twinkling fairy lights and wafts of mince pies and mulled wine.  Everyone seems to be in the best mood around Christmas time.  People smile more and just seem more friendly towards one another (maybe that's all the mulled wine though).

On December 1st, dreaded by parents but much loved by children, the Elves returned and they brought with them some cosy and cheerful Christmas jumpers.  I love hearing from the grandchildren what the Elves have been up to.  On Christmas Eve they returned to the North Pole to help Father Christmas prepare for next Christmas after some lovely cuddles.  (The children are only allowed to touch the Elves on Christmas Eve or they lose their magic).

Making a home for the Elf

We visited Mottisfont Abbey with Caroline and family just before Christmas.  It was so lovely to walk around the beautiful grounds, although very chilly, but we warmed up afterwards in the beautifully decorated House.

We were determined, as can be, not to miss another Christmas with the family this year, as we were forced to do last year, so we were as careful as is possible when joining friends in restaurants before Christmas.  We wore a mask except when eating and drinking, socially distanced, no hugs or handshakes and washed our hands frequently.  However, it was so nice to have face-to-face company and a chat that's not limited by technology.  We are jabbed to the eyeballs.  Our age enabled us to get our Pfizer booster jabs in November, before the panic of Omicron and endless queues began, so we reckon we are as safe from the new variant as it's possible to be.  We've also had the flu and pneumonia jabs so our immune system must be in overdrive.  Our generation, I suspect, has more confidence in vaccination than any other.  We were the children who saw the first preventative measures against smallpox, measles, polio and diphtheria that had killed so many of our predecessors.

Christmas Lunch with Aqua Aerobics group
Family get-together at Caroline's before Christmas
                                                      Chloe making reindeer pancakes
                                                      Emmie making a gingerbread Christmas village

So on Christmas Eve, having carefully done our preparations for the big day, we were on our way to be with the family.  The Night before Christmas.

On Christmas Day it was so wonderful to hear the sound of each other's voices in the same room, to see the excitement of the grandchildren and the laughter (even at the dumb Christmas cracker jokes).  So much better than via Zoom. . Caroline's Christmas dinner was excellent - quite an exercise in planning, logistics and timing and was truly fabulous.  Phil even ate some brussels sprouts!!!

We then spent a wonderful evening on the 27th with Alun, Gemma and Emmie eating more delicious food, drinking champagne and very good wine, dancing and karaoking,  Great fun. 

I do hope your Christmas was magical too.  Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2022.