Thursday 27 May 2021

Birthday Celebrations

Celebrations add colour to our life and a birthday is one of them.  Birthdays are the best days! Wouldn't you agree?

So Phil really made the most of his birthday this year with a week long celebration.

We started the celebrations by ordering some of Sam's Masterchef Competition dishes from La Perle in Milford on Sea.  They arrived ready to re-heat.

Starter - Langoustine, Lemongrass, Lime Leaf and Coconut Bisque with Langoustine Wontons.

Fish Course - Globe Artichoke stuffed with Salmon and Truffle Mayonnaise, Frisee, Chive and Granny Smith Salad.

Main - Free Range Chicken Ballotine stuffed with Cepes, Confit Leg Pomme Anna, Chicken Wing Lollipop, Broad Beans with Pancetta, Sherry Sauce, Pea Surprise!

Dessert - Lemon and Raspberry Creme Chiboust, Vanilla Sponge, Raspberry Coulis.

Delicious and Sam complimented Phil on his plating skills after sharing some photos.

The birthday outing was to Exbury Gardens.

A lovely day in beautiful surroundings.  The weather was changeable but the azaleas were spectacular.  Apparently they love cold, wet weather.  Every turn in the 26 miles of paths produced a gorgeous view, the variety and colour of the different plants was incredible.  Loved the river walk through the forest with the views of the little boats on the Beaulieu River.

On Phil's actual birthday we enjoyed an excellent lunch at The Cliff House in Barton on Sea.  From the excellent service to the fabulous food, it was really something special.  Thank you so much to The Cliff House for making Phil's birthday so special by giving us such a warm welcome with two glasses of bubbly and a happy birthday dessert platter at the end of the meal.

From birthday phone calls to cake and candles, nothing makes anyone feel more special than getting a little birthday love and attention.

Chloe and Jamie made this delicious coffee cake for Grandad.

And the family BBQ was so much fun.  So wonderful to be able to spend time with the whole family.  Thank you for making Grandad's birthday so special. 

And I was lucky enough to be invited to share Phil's presents.

Lunch at Monty's Inn, Beaulieu in the New Forest where we had a delicious meal followed by a lovely walk to Bucklers Hard.

Also afternoon tea at the Captain's Club in Christchurch.  It was a lovely sunny afternoon and most agreeable it was too.  We started with a glass of sparkling English wine followed, of course, with tea, sandwiches, scones and cakes.  And then a gentle stroll along the river and Christchurch Quay over to the Priory.  Very enjoyable.

Grandad says thank you for his generous birthday treats.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

May birthdays

 My little boy is another year older!!!!

And his beautiful daughter is ten this month!!!

Everyone knows that boys are made of slime and snails and puppy dogs' tails!  Well Alun has been a bundle of energy, fun and exasperation for over 40 years now and on his special day we would like to take the opportunity to say how proud we are of him.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Son!  We've watched you grow into an amazing man.  May the year ahead exceed your expectations.

To celebrate we walked to Hengistbury Head for bubbles and pizza.  The day definitely had a ski resort vibe, because of the cold weather, despite being on the beach.  (Still not allowed to meet indoors).  But despite the weather we still had a delightful day.  Excellent company, food, drink and lovely music.

Happy Birthdays Alun and Emmie!

And Emmie Congratulations on your first double-digit birthday.  You are officially a teenager in training!  May all your birthday wishes come true.

Look how fast you have grown!  I can still vividly recall the first time I held your tiny body in my arms and heard your first cry.  Time flies so fast.

Emmie loves clothes and is very particular in what she wears.  She has her own style and always looks beautiful.  Baking and drawing are still two of Emmie's favourite things to do.  I hope she'll always keep this up as she is really good at it and her baking is  most rewarding - fun and tasty.  Like most children the internet is beginning to creep in but Mummy and Daddy and the beach (surfing) will control it.

I am so excited for what lies ahead of you.  Only one more year in junior school and then you'll be off to big school, and I can tell that you are  excited to grow up.  If you continue to be the kind of girl you are now, determined and feisty, but always with a smile on your face and a desire to make other people happy, you will go far.

I'm so proud of the person you have become and so happy to be your Nanna.  Thank you for the fun, the laughter, the happiness you bring.  You are a beautiful diamond, a sparkling gem.