Thursday 18 February 2021

Caroline celebrates her 40th birthday in Lockdown

Yes my darling Caroline turned 40 this week.

Being 40 feels like a major milestone - not just for Caroline but also for me because she really isn't a child any more but, of course, she will always be my little girl.

Sadly, we are now in a third national lockdown and Caroline had to celebrate her birthday at home.  Gatherings and celebrations planned for milestone birthdays have been cancelled across the country as people follow the guidance to stop the spread of coronavirus.  Seeing friends and family, heading to the pub, dancing until your feet hurt - none of that's possible right now.  And while that's sad and difficult any day, it can feel especially bleak on a birthday.  But with a little ingenuity celebrating during these strange times can still tick almost all of the boxes.

That's right - jetting off on a ski-ing holiday is not on the cards.  But it should have been.  Caroline's birthdays nearly always occurred during the half term.  So off we would head to The Alps and this is exactly what they had planned with friends for her 40th birthday.

But Mike still made this lockdown birthday special by putting together video messages for Caroline from friends and family.  Sooooo good.  Friends also treated the birthday girl to the truly unique experience of a hot tub in their garden.

Although Caroline's birthday celebrations were thwarted there was no reason we couldn't get together and have a bit of a party with the family.  Onscreen, of course, and with cocktails.  Mike also arranged for Caroline to celebrate in style with cake and champagne and a delicious Italian dinner delivered to their door.


So, for what it's worth, here are my thoughts about whether "Life really does begin at 40".

Enjoy your children's childhood.  Children can drive you mad at times, but they do need you to give them time and attention.  They grow up so quickly.  Are you sure you are 40!!!!!

Nowadays 40 really is no age at all.  So- you are now embarked on the second half of your life.  I hope you have a very happy, fulfilling and satisfying next 40 years and, like me, that you will have few regrets whatever choices you make.

It's been amazing watching you grow.  Thank you for the laughs, the kindness and the magic moments you bring to the World.  So proud of you EVERY day.  No matter how old you are you will always be my little girl.  Love you lots.  Wish I could give you a hug.

Happy 40th Birthday. XXXXXXXXX