Sunday 24 June 2018

Summer Party Fun

To celebrate Andy and Pat's 70th birthdays and their 40th Wedding Anniversary they very kindly invited us to a delightful evening cruise along the Thames Path towards Royal Windsor, passing many historical landmarks on the way, complete with dinner and dancing.

We had a glorious sunny evening and along with 100 family and friends of Andy and Pat we sailed on the Queen of the Thames from Runnymeade to Windsor.  It all contributed to a genuinely happy and relaxed atmosphere on board and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves - especially Pat and Andy as there was nothing to clear up afterwards!

Andy and Pat really did  "push the boat out".  We were welcomed on board with a refreshing Pimms.   The party theme was Hawaiian so we all dressed up in our Tropical gear and enjoyed an Hawaiian hot fork buffet.  Then after the speeches (which were very moving) and a glass of champagne we danced the night away at the disco on deck.

During the sail we had to pass through Old Windsor Lock and at one point the roof had to be lowered so the boat could pass under a bridge.

There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.  So said Ratty to Mole in Kenneth Grahame's beloved classic The Wind in the Willows, we couldn't agree more.

Gliding peacefully along the magnificent Royal river is so relaxing.  Thank you Pat and Andy for a wonderful evening.  Happy birthdays.