Tuesday 3 November 2015

Chloe's Crafty 4th Birthday Party

Chloe loves doing crafts.  She loves painting and drawing so Caroline thought it would be a really great idea to have a craft party.

Take a look at how it turned out!

Chloe is so excited.  It's time for her party.

I love this photo!  They are waiting for their friends to arrive.....

Let the fun commence........

The first activity was to personalise and decorate their own party bags.

The Treasure Box.  Let's discover what's inside:-

They had to transform a plain brown cardboard box into their own treasure box with the help of paints, gemstones and glitter....

Then it was time for a bit of fun....

Balls of clay then appeared to be modelled into four-legged creatures, spiders or monsters (well it was Halloween) with fluffy feathers and goggle eyes.  Well you get the idea.....

After a quick wash....

Time to eat....

Time to blow out the candles.....

Time to help clear up....

The children were so proud of their unique and treasured party bags, full of mementoes of a really special party.

The party was a success.  The children are happy, so the adults are happy too!  Fantastic.  I think the Mummies and Daddies had as much fun as the children!!!!!!

And after such a busy day, Grandad with a well earned glass of beer.  Cheers Chloe.