Friday 29 August 2014

A Golden Wedding Celebration

Our good friends Sylvia and Ron recently celebrated fifty years of marriage.  A milestone that few couples can achieve.  Spending half a century in love with one person is wonderful.

They celebrated by inviting some close friends to a delicious Italian meal at Rossinis in Wokingham.

John had us guessing.  What pop song was top of the charts 50 years ago.  Clue.  The Beatles.

And Julia made the beautiful flower arrangement for the centre of the table.

Afterwards it was back to Ron and Sylvia's beautiful home for coffee and cake, embellished with a golden butterfly.

We also presented the Happy Couple with a Golden Wedding Celebration Rose.

  We hope it will give years of pleasure.

Congratulations.  What a great day and  we all enjoyed flipping through the original wedding album. 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Wimborne Minister's Famous Model Town

During August we took Emmie and Chloe to explore the miniature model  town at Wimborne Minister.

They peered into the Butchers, the Ironmongers, the Bakery and the Fishmongers....

not forgetting the stunning interior of the Minister Church, where Caroline married Mike, and Chloe and James were Christened.

The historic market town of Wimborne Minister has been re-created exactly as it was during the 1950s and built well over 50 years ago, the magnificent 1/10th scale models are amazing.

You can just see the full size Minister in the distance.

Next was the fantastic working model Railway with Thomas the Tank Engine.

Emmie and Chloe also enjoyed playing in Wendy Street, a designated safe play area for younger visitors  with four Wendy Houses next to a Marquee where you can eat your lunch.  Unfortunately, it
was pouring with rain so I forgot to take a photo!

After lunch there  was a fun family craft workshop, where for a £1 donation, the girls made Dinosaurs.

Then when the sun came out again we enjoyed a game of "golf"!!!

Wimborne itself is delightful, but don't tell everyone - it's a well kept secret!