Sunday 27 July 2014

Celebrating the Christening of our Grandson

At 12.30 p.m. on Sunday, 20th July, 2014 we celebrated the Christening of James William Rees at Wimborne Minster.

The Christening of a child is a very special occasion and the role of Godfathers was given to Alun and Chris and Godmother to Emily.

Alun read Mark 10: 13 - 16

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this, he was indignant.  He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. 

James is now six months old and is a well behaved baby.  He seemed to really enjoy the ceremony.

To our special grandson on your Christening Day.  May your christening blessing today be the first of a lifetime blessed with much love and happiness.

Afterwards we went back to Caroline and Mike's for a delicious Barbeque lunch with a sumptuous spread of salads and desserts.  Thank you Tina for your excellent salads and Gemma and Emily for the yummy desserts.

Mike and Phil did a wonderful job on the barbeque cooking sausages, pork ribs and chicken kebabs.

The garden looked very attractive too and even had a bouncy castle for the children.

We were so lucky with the sunny weather and were able to sit outside all afternoon.

Once again Gemma produced a masterpiece.  The Christening Cake.

James was so well behaved all day in spite of the ohhh's and ahhh's of the guests who wanted a cuddle and a closer look.

Again, I say that the best part of grand-parenting is enjoying the grandchildren with no responsibilities whatsoever.  Grandparenting is the best!!!!

Another excellent day with the family.  Thank you everyone for making it so special.

Pepper Pig World

Our granddaughters love Peppa Pig so we treated them both to a visit on 11th July.

They got to meet  Peppa and George:-

Chloe loved them both and shook hands with them but Emmie thought they were a little large and wasn't too sure.

The whole Peppa area at Paultons is excellent - really well themed with good rides for toddlers and everything seems really high quality.


Being a sunny day the queues were quite long for toddlers,  about 30 mins each ride, but Emmie and
Chloe were so well behaved.

Children under a metre high get in free and there is a slightly cheaper  rate for Senior Citizens.
One tip - book online on their website in advance.  We did it one day in advance so we knew the weather forecast.  Then take your ticket with you - you can either print it or store it in your iphone.
(If you can't go for any reason on that day - don't worry - I understand the ticket is valid for about six months.  Just check dates.)  Booking on line saves about £1.50 per person and you get to fast track the queue to go in.  Peppa Pig World is a day in itself.  There isn't really time to see anything else despite there being loads of other interesting looking rides to do.  We did, however, enjoy the  new double decker Victorian   Carousel.

Downsides:-  The queue for Mrs. Rabbit's Helicopter Ride.

                       The sun was also quite hot whilst queuing and there is no shade so suggest you carry a large umbrella.  Also useful if  it rains.

                        The food is expensive and not much choice.  We packed a picnic that the little ones munched on whilst queuing - stopped them getting bored.  Plenty of seats available so we took it in turns to queue with them and eat our picnic whilst not on duty!!!!!

Tip:-  If it's a sunny day take the children's swimwear and towels as they have an outdoor water park area called muddy puddles.

The 4 o'clock reward for being good girls.  Then home before the rush to leave the car park when the Park closes.

The girls loved their visit to Peppa Pig's World and so did Nanna.