Saturday 10 May 2014

An Easter Egg-stravaganza

The buds are out, the evenings are getting longer and there's a spring in our step.  Easter is upon us.

We met up with Caroline, Mike, Chloe and Jamie on the Saturday for an Easter Egg Hunt at Highcliffe Castle.

We had to find the Easter chicks hidden in the Castle grounds, then answer the nature-themed question to win an Easter egg prize.

We found a  beautiful spot for a picnic with a stunning view

and old fashioned fun in the woods for Chloe.

Although the first half of April was very kind to us weatherwise being drier, warmer and sunnier than average the weather deteriorated for our picnic but, at least, it was dry if somewhat chilly.

On Sunday the Easter Bunny made an appearance

bringing with him some chocolate eggs for a good little girl.

He hopped along leaving a winding trail of Bunny Feet for an Egg-splosion of Easter fun

Chloe was very excited to follow his tracks to find the eggs and she also found a teething ring for Jamie. Unfortunately, the hunt had to be indoors as Easter Sunday was very wet.

Chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and a family Sunday lunch are all part of the Easter feasting plan.  But what wine to uncork to celebrate.  Why Chocolate Block, of course.  You can just see the two bottles in the background of the above photo.

Fortunately, the weather cleared up in the evening when Doug and Sofia arrived with their adorable dogs and we all enjoyed walking off the chocolate on the beach whilst enjoying a dramatic sunset.