Thursday 27 February 2014

Richard's 75th Birthday Celebrations

Celebrating birthdays is always fun and on Wednesday 26th February, 2014 Richard hosted a party at The Highwayman in Yateley.  Thank you Richard we all had a wonderful evening.

                                                The birthday boy with Joan, his wife.

                                                    Sylvia and Ron

                                                      Geoff and Jackie


John and Julia  who travelled up from Somerset to be with us.  Lovely to catch up with their news.

Richard's present was a driving experience so, of course, his cake had to have a car on it....

Monday 17 February 2014

Time for Tea

With Stuart and Phil away skiing.  Tina decided to celebrate her birthday with a girlie Vintage Tea Party exceptional.  A traditional English afternoon tea doesn't get more luxurious than when Tina serves it on her collection of elegant vintage china.  A glamorous hostess serving a refined and decadent afternoon tea complete with champagne.  What more could one want...yes a camera...I forgot to take it so sorry no photographs.  But try to imagine the perfect scones, dainty sandwiches and wonderful cakes.

My contribution was some mini tartes aux fruits and here is the recipe.  So easy.

Cheat's Pastry Cream

I first used this short cut when I had to fill 150 strawberry tartlets for a party.  Purists will scream in horror - but why make life difficult for yourself?

75 ml double cream
200 ml ready-made thick custard

Whip the cream until stiff, then gently fold in the custard until the two are well mixed.  Carefully stir in Cointreau to taste (start with about 1/2 tbsp; don't overdo it or the cream will be watery).

Buy the mini pastry tartlets from the Tesco finest range or make your own.

Decorate with slice of strawberry, three blueberries and half a grape.


Happy Birthday Tina.   

Friday 14 February 2014

St. Valentine's Day Storms

The great Valentine's Night storm left Milford-on-Sea's beach looking like a war zone after an 80 mph storm left a trail of destruction.

Diners at the Marine Café, including our neighbours, Richard and Sue, had to be rescued by soldiers and firefighters after rocks crashed through the windows and a huge tidal surge flooded the ground floor.

Cars parked nearby were picked up and tossed on to the beach, including Richard's new car which was written off, as ferocious winds battered the coastline.

Many beach huts were also wrecked by the storm.

                                                    The debris and what is left of some beach huts.

The coastal pathway just down from our home was also washed away.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Shhhhhh! It's time to celebrate......and it's a surprise

Gemma and Hayley organised a great romantic, unforgettable, surprise 35th wedding anniversary celebration for Dianne and |Nigel.

The guests waiting for Di and Nigel to arrive.

We had the honour of attending this secret party.
The house was decorated with hearts and lights to mimic a lavish wedding, hosted by their loving daughters.  Elegance at every turn!

Gemma had decorated the table in warm coral colours.

Di and Nigel arriving

Gemma and Hayley had prepared a beautiful speech

and Di and Nigel were obviously touched

35 years of marriage are known as The Coral Wedding Anniversary.
This is because coral organisms grow close together just like a good marriage, built and developed over many years and Alun had prepared a slide show on TV for guests to watch.

The photos were a great success with the guests.

After the walk down memory lane the next stop was to Gemma's delicious buffet.

The food and drink was so yummy.  You'd have been disappointed if you didn't come on an empty stomach!

Two small guests enjoying Tina's famous pannacotta!

And from Gemma's kitchen, another spectacular cake.

and Signature drinks.  Big glass, little glass.  Guess who had a hangover the next morning?

The youngest guest

The official photographer having a cuddle earlier in the day.

Lovely photographs Doug and Sofia.  Thank you.

It was a total blast, and it was great to party with all of Di and Nigel's friends and relatives.

It was eventually just too much for some

We also sang Happy Birthday to Gemma for the following Wednesday.

Treating Di and Nigel to this surprise anniversary party was a wonderful generous gift that will create memories they will always cherish.  There's nothing more beautiful in life than lasting love and reaching a milestone anniversary is worthy of a celebration with family and friends.

Together Di and Nigel have found a friendship, raised a family and built a beautiful marriage.