Monday 12 March 2012

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

We woke to a beautiful sunny day in Wengen, Switzerland.

Hotel Caprice balcony

and decided today was the day to go to "Piz Gloria", the revolving restaurant atop Schitlthorn.
A revolving restaurant at the top of a mountain:-
that starred in a Bond film.  I had to see it.
Getting there from Wengen turned out to be quite an adventure in itself.  First of all we took the mountain reailway all the way back down into the valley of Lauterbrunnen.
From there, a cable car took us back up to the other side of the valley, from where we jumped  on to yet another train, with Swiss efficiency waiting for us, to Winteregg.  We then took a chair lift up to a ridge and skied back to Winteregg because this run was in the sun and empty.  In fact so beautiful we skied it quite a few times with lots of opportunity for fun off-piste.
We then continued on and skied in the Murren area for a while.
After lots of fun in the snow and sun we caught the Murren cable car to the peak called Birg. We then changed cable car again for the final leg up to the peak of Schilthorn, the 2,970m high mountain that dominates the resort, and to our final destination, Piz Gloria, the revolving restaurant that sits right at the top.
View from the top
The views are spectacular.  We were incredibly lucky to have a really clear day.  The mountain is the perfect location for a revolving restaurant, for it sits out on its own, unconnected from any mountain close to it in height, and separated by valleys from the higher peaks all around, giving a fantastic wide open 360 degree view across the Alps.
View of the Eiger, Jungfrau and Monch from inside the restaurant.
Quite stunning.

They take their Bond seriously here - the 007 motif is plastered on the window.
and plates
and the restaurant menu contains a heavily Bond-themed selection.
with a Bond girl cocktail
and dessert
All pretty cheesy but fun.

No dessert for me though - had to tackle the long black run home.
A wonderful day.